How to Duplicate a Worksheet in MS Excel

If you want to create a new worksheet, you don’t have to start afresh. You can duplicate an existing worksheet and make changes to it.

For example, let’s imagine you want to make an invoice. Since it is time-consuming to write the document from scratch, you can instead duplicate an existing invoice and fill the copy with new details. In this article, we will discuss five methods of duplicating worksheets in Excel.

5 Methods of duplicating worksheets in Microsoft Excel:

  • Duplicating worksheets within a workbook using the Format option
  • Duplicating a worksheet to a different workbook
  • Duplicating worksheets by right-clicking the worksheet tab
  • Duplicating worksheets using the CTRL key
  • Duplicating worksheets using VBA Macros

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How to Lock a Worksheet in MS Excel

Spreadsheets often contain sensitive data. If you share an unprotected spreadsheet with others, they may alter its contents. Sometimes, people may change the content of worksheets without intending to do so. 

Both these scenarios will have unintended consequences. To prevent unwanted changes to a worksheet, you should be wise enough to lock it. This article will discuss five methods of protecting worksheet data in MS Excel by locking it.

5 Methods of locking worksheets in Microsoft Excel:

  • Make the workbook read-only
  • Lock the entire workbook
  • Protect workbook structure using the Protect Workbook option
  • Protect workbook structure using the Review tab
  • Lock cells using the Format cells option

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How to Count Unique Values in MS Excel

You might find yourself in a situation where you need to count the unique values in an MS Excel spreadsheet. This can be useful, especially when you have tons of data and there’s no way you can count them manually.

6 Methods to count unique values in MS Excel:

  • Using the UNIQUE function
  • Using the COUNTA function
  • Using a pivot table
  • Using SUM and COUNTIF function
  • Using SUMPRODUCT and COUNTIF function
  • Using the Remove Duplicates option

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How to Insert Today’s Date in MS Excel

3 Methods of inserting today’s date in MS Excel:

  • Inserting today’s date in MS Excel using a keyboard shortcut
  • Inserting today’s date in MS Excel using the TODAY function
  • Inserting today’s date in MS Excel using the NOW function

We will explain these three methods in simple step-by-step instructions.

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How to Count Colored Cells in MS Excel

Sometimes you may use different colored cells in Google Sheets to represent categories. This makes your data easy to read. In such cases, it can be useful to count the cells based on the cell’s color. For instance, we have a list of student names and they’re colored. If the cell is red in color, the student is absent. If the cell is green in color, the student is present. 

If you want to know the number of students present, it’d be useful if you could simply count the green-colored cells, right? So we will show you how to do that in easy steps, plus there are four different ways in which you can count the colored cells.

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4 Methods of Counting Colored Cells in MS Excel:

  • Using SUBTOTAL and filters
  • Using VBA code
  • Using the FIND function
  • Using COUNTIF and GET.CELL

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How to Unhide Columns in MS Excel

Hiding columns is useful for many reasons, but when someone else has hidden columns in a spreadsheet, it can be a pain to unhide them.

Fortunately, there are many methods to unhide columns, but know that some methods mentioned may not work for certain situations. Therefore, you should read through them all, to know what will work for you. 

This article will cover 10 methods of unhiding columns in Microsoft Excel.

10 methods of unhiding hidden columns in Excel:

  • Unhiding all the hidden columns
  • Unhiding specific columns using the Format icon
  • Unhiding specific columns using the context menu
  • Unhiding columns by changing the column width
  • Unhiding the first column
  • Unhiding columns using shortcuts
  • Unhiding columns using the Find option
  • Unhiding columns using the Go To method
  • Unhiding columns by inspecting documents
  • Unhiding columns using VBA Macros

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How to Hide Columns in MS Excel

If you don’t need something at the moment, you should keep it out of the way. The same principles apply when working with spreadsheets. If you don’t need a column, you should keep it out of the way. 

This article will discuss four methods of hiding columns.

4 methods of hiding columns in Excel:

  • Hiding columns as a group
  • Hiding individual columns
  • Hiding multiple columns
  • Hiding non-adjacent columns

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How to Move a Column in MS Excel

This article explains three methods of rearranging columns in Microsoft Excel. Two of the methods will work for small datasets. However, the last method will save you time when dealing with larger datasets.

3 methods of moving columns in Microsoft Excel:

  • Dragging and dropping the columns
  • Cutting and pasting the columns
  • Moving columns using data sort

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How to Edit a Drop-down List in MS Excel

Drop-downs are one of the most useful features in MS Excel. It can help users select a choice instead of manually entering them. This can help you avoid human errors and validate data. 

If you have a drop-down list in your spreadsheet, you might want to edit it at some point. The good news is that you can quickly edit your drop-down in Excel using several methods.

4 Methods of editing drop-downs in MS Excel

  • Editing a drop-down manually using data validation
  • Editing a drop-down list using ranges in data validation
  • Editing a drop-down using a table and data validation
  • Editing a drop-down using the OFFSET formula in data validation

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