How to Insert Page Numbers in MS Excel

In MS excel, you can easily insert page numbers in the header or footer section of the worksheet pages.

Please note that Excel will not display page numbers on the worksheet in Normal view. You can see them only in Page Layout views and on printed pages.

There are four ways to insert page numbers in MS Excel:

  • Add page numbers in the header on a single worksheet
  • Add page numbers in the footer on a single worksheet
  • Add page numbers in the header on multiple worksheets
  • Add page numbers in the footer on multiple worksheets

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How to Insert Page Numbers in PowerPoint

In PowerPoint, inserting page numbers on slides is the same as placing slide numbers on them. You can insert slide numbers on some of your slides or all, provided the layouts contain placeholders.

Note: If the slides have no placeholders, or you have deleted the placeholders, the slide numbers will not display.

Let us show you in simple steps how to insert slide numbers on slides in PowerPoint.

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How to Format Text as Superscript and Subscript in PowerPoint

You may be referring to many sources in your PowerPoint presentations. Typically, these are present in footnotes and require making the text superscript and subscript. You also need these when presenting mathematical formulae in your slides.

There are three ways you can do this:

  • Using font effects
  • Using keyboard shortcuts
  • Using options in Quick Access Toolbar

Let us walk you through the quick and easy steps you can take to format your text as superscript and subscript in PowerPoint.

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How to change Google Slide Format to Portrait

When you open Google Slides, by default, all slides are in the landscape or horizontal orientation. The landscape orientation is the most common setting for presentation screens and projectors. However, in some cases, you may want to change the orientation to portrait mode.

You may want to take advantage of the extra vertical space when the slide is in the portrait mode. Or, your printer or projector supports only that mode. Please note that Google Slides does not allow you to select a specific mode for a single slide—all slides must be in either landscape or portrait mode.

Changing the orientation of Google Slides to portrait mode is fairly simple.

You can also change back to the landscape mode equally easily.

Let us walk you through the steps involved.

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How to Change PowerPoint Format to Portrait

The default format for PowerPoint slides is landscape.

Let us show you the simple steps to change the PowerPoint slide format to portrait or landscape to fit your needs.

Note: At present, PowerPoint does not allow mixing portrait and landscape slides in the same presentation. So, you will have all your slides in either landscape or portrait orientation.

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How to Change Text Case in MS Word

It happens so often that I type a sentence in MS Word, and then halfway through realize I have used the wrong case. Caps lock was on, or some other triviality. 

Fortunately, you do not have to erase your work, as Word allows you to change the text case.

3 Methods to change text case in MS Word

  • Use the menus
  • Use a keyboard shortcut (Shift+F3)
  • Use another keyboard shortcut (Alt+H)

We will show you all the methods of changing the text case in simple, step-by-step instructions.

Let us begin.

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How to make a Flyer using MS Word

You may be selling a house, a car, or electronic equipment. Although you have several means of advertising your sale, using the physical flyer is the most common. That is because of the ease of putting up flyers almost anywhere, from poles to bulletin boards, or even on a wall.

Making a flyer is not a difficult task. Moreover, Microsoft Word has made the task even simpler.

Three methods for making flyers in MS Word:

  • Using Basic Tools
  • Using Pre-Built Templates
  • Using Free Templates from Websites

Let us demonstrate to you all the above methods with simple instructions.

Here we go.

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How to Make a Flyer Using Google Docs

Google Docs has all the features you need to make a flyer suitable to your requirement. In addition, it provides many templates you can use and modify as necessary.

There are primarily two methods for making a flyer using Google Docs:

  • Using basic features
  • Using templates

Let us walk you through the quick and easy steps you can take to create amazing flyers in Google Docs.

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How to Make a Flyer Using Google Slides

Flyers can help promote an event. If you are creating a flyer that others can edit, try using Google Slides. This is particularly helpful if you are going to be sharing your flyer with others and collaborating on it with peers.

There are two ways you can make a flyer using Google Slides:

  • Use Basic Features
  • Use a Template

We will walk you through the quick and easy steps you can take to create outstanding flyers.

Let us start.

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