It happens so often that I type a sentence in MS Word, and then halfway through realize I have used the wrong case. Caps lock was on, or some other triviality.
Fortunately, you do not have to erase your work, as Word allows you to change the text case.
3 Methods to change text case in MS Word
- Use the menus
- Use a keyboard shortcut (Shift+F3)
- Use another keyboard shortcut (Alt+H)
We will show you all the methods of changing the text case in simple, step-by-step instructions.
Let us begin.
Method #1: Change Text Case Using the Menus
Step #1: Open MS Word document
Open the document where you would like to change the text case.

Step #2: Select the sentence
Select the sentence you want to change by clicking with your mouse on the start. Hold down the button, and drag the cursor to the end of the sentence.
Release the mouse button.

Step #3: Change text case
Click on the Home tab on the main menu bar to change the ribbon.

In the section Font, click on the down triangle beside the Change Case icon.
Tip: Hover with your mouse over the icons to see their descriptions.

This opens a drop-down menu with five selection cases:

This is the meaning of the different options:
- Sentence case — Capitalize the first sentence letter and leave the rest lowercase.
- lowercase — Exclude all capital letters from the sentence.
- UPPERCASE — Capitalize all letters in the sentence.
- Capitalize Each Word — Capitalize the first letter of each word and leave all other letters as lowercase.
- tOGGLE cASE — Shifts between two case views. Either the first letter is capitalized and the rest not, or the first letter is not caps, while the rest are.
Click on your selection.
The effects on our example sentence will look like this:

Method #2: Change Text Case Using the Keyboard (SHIFT+F3)
Step #1: Open MS Word document
Open the document where you would like to change the text case.

Step #2: Select the sentence
Select the sentence you want to change by clicking with your mouse on the start. Hold down the button, and drag the cursor to the end of the sentence.
Release the mouse button.

Step #3: Change text case
Hold down the SHIFT key, and repeatedly press the F3 key on your keyboard.
The sentence will cycle between all the text cases.
Stop when you reach your intended text case.
The effects on our example sentence will look like this:

Method #3: Change Text Case Using the Keyboard (ALT+H)
Step #1: Open MS Word document
Open the MS Word document where you would like to change the text case.

Step #2: Select the sentence
Select the sentence you want to change by clicking with your mouse on the start. Hold down the button, and drag the cursor to the end of the sentence.
Release the mouse button.

Step #3: Change text case
Hold down the ALT key, and press the H key on your keyboard.
This will invoke the Home tab and show the assignment of keys in the ribbon.

Press the number 7 on your keyboard.
This opens a drop-down menu with five selection cases:

- Sentence case — Press S on your keyboard to select.
- lowercase — Press L on your keyboard to select.
- UPPERCASE — Press U on your keyboard to select.
- Capitalize Each Word — Press C on your keyboard to select.
- tOGGLE cASE — Press T on your keyboard to select.
Press the requisite key for selecting the text case you want.
The effects on our example sentence will look like this:

Keyboard shortcuts are wonderful to make quick work of fixing a little typing error. But if you cannot recall all the keyboard shortcuts, knowing where to change things using the menu is also easy.
We have shown you three methods of how you can change the text case in MS Word quickly and easily.