How to Remove All Content Controls in MS Word

Under certain circumstances, you may want to remove all content controls in a Microsoft Word document. But you want to keep the content intact. This may be because you want to keep a simple form of the document.

Unfortunately, MS Word does not provide a simple way of removing all content controls in one step.

2 ways to remove All Content controls in MS Word

  • Reverting to an older form of Microsoft Word.
  • Remove content controls one by one.

Let us begin.

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How to Add Content Control in MS Word

Content Control in MS Word is a way to protect areas of your document, and allow users to only change specific areas.

You can reserve certain areas in a Word document for content control. For instance, you can bind a reserved region with a text box. This way, you can allow these reserved regions to act as containers. 

For instance, you may have forms with reserved regions where the user can fill in their data. By binding and labeling these regions, you can specify the content that will go into the region.

How to add content control in MS Word

  • Turn on Developer Mode for adding a content control
  • Add content control
  • Edit content control
  • Remove content control

We will show you how to do the above in easy, step-by-step instructions.

Before following these steps, we encourage you to first read this article:

How to Create Fillable Forms in MS Word.

Let us begin.

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How to Create a Fillable Form in MS Word

We will show you how to create a simple fillable form in MS Word. This is perfect when you want to send out a survey or a competition. 

Here, we will explain how to lock certain parts of the form so that users cannot change them. Other parts of the form will have restrictions to allow what the user can fill in. We will use content control for this fillable form.

Let us begin.

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How to Remove Background Color in MS Word after Copy Pasting Text

You may have downloaded or copied text from an online source and pasted it into an MS Word document. But you find it still keeps the original background color and other formatting that you would like to remove. You can do this in many ways:

7 Methods to remove copy pasted background color in Microsoft Word:

  • Use Notepad
  • Use the Paste feature
  • Use the ‘Clear all Formatting’ feature
  • Use the Shading feature
  • Use the Delete Background color feature
  • Use the Find and Replace feature
  • Use Page color feature

We will show in simple, step-by-step instructions how you can remove background color using the above features in MS Word.

Let us begin.

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How to Add Alt Text to Image in MS Word

You may have a diagram, chart, or an image in your Word document. Those who have difficulty seeing often use a screen reading program to hear the document rather than read it. Screen reading programs use Alternative text (Alt Text) in a document to describe the diagram, chart, or image.

You can easily add Alt text to an image in your Word document. We will show you how to do this in simple, step-by-step instructions:

4 Methods to add Alt Text to an image in Microsoft Word:

  • Add decorative image
  • Allow Word to generate alternative text
  • Add Alternative text
  • Edit Alternative text

Let us begin.

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How to Insert Source Code in MS Word

If you have ever tried to insert source code in MS Word, you know that it is a struggle. The formatting gets completely lost.

In most cases, copying and pasting programming code into a Microsoft Word document will not work.

In this tutorial, we will explore the proper way to embed your source code in MS Word. 

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What Is a Docx File and How to Open It

What is a DOCX File?

Any file with a .docx file extension is a Microsoft Word document file. It has an Open XML Format. Microsoft uses DOCX files for nearly everything, including cover letters, resumes, reports, documentation, flyers, invitations, newsletters, and much more.

DOCX files usually contain text. But they can also include styles, objects, images, and rich formatting.

Microsoft has been using the DOCX format since Word 2007. Earlier versions of MS Word used the .doc file extension. It is easier to support the DOCX files, as they are XML-based, and their content is available as separate files. It might not seem obvious, but the final DOCX package is actually a ZIP-compressed compact file containing all the XML files of the document.

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What Is the Difference between Doc and Docx Files?

Whenever you use the Microsoft Word application, you either use files with the .doc or the .docx extensions. Microsoft Word is a part of the Microsoft Office suite. Microsoft used .doc as its solo file format up until the launch of MS Word version 2003. When they subsequently launched MS Word version 2007, Microsoft introduced the new file format, DOCX, which is their default file format up to now.

Let us see what the two formats are.

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