The faint lines that appear between cells on a worksheet are known as gridlines.
Depending on your type of work, gridlines can be both useful and bothersome. They are important in separating cells when working with a lot of data. Meanwhile, if you have a specific format for your document, you might want to remove them.
3 Methods to show and hide gridlines in Microsoft Excel:
- Use the View menu
- Use the keyboard shortcut
- Change the background color
Let us begin.
Method #1: Use the View Menu
With one checkbox, you can see the gridlines, and in the same way, remove them. This method explains how. This will apply to multiple worksheets at a time as it becomes a default setting.
Step #1: Open your workbook
Open an Excel document to show and hide gridlines in that workbook.
If you already have an existing workbook in which you want to perform this exercise, then open that.

Step #2: Navigate to View
In the main menu bar, click on the View tab.
In the View ribbon, in the Show section, you’ll see the Gridlines checkbox.

Step #3: Change the checkbox
Gridlines are by default enabled in MS Excel.
To hide them, unpick the Gridlines checkbox by clicking on it.

You will get the desired result:

To bring back the gridlines, click on the Gridlines checkbox again.

Method #2: Use the Keyboard Shortcut
This method follows the same process as Method 1 for showing and hiding the gridlines. The only difference between these two methods is the input hardware used. In Method 1, only the mouse is used, while in Method 2, only the keyboard is used.
Step #1: Open your workbook
Open an Excel document to show and hide gridlines in that workbook.
If you already have an existing workbook in which you want to perform this exercise, then open that.

Step #2: Apply the keyboard shortcut
Gridlines are by default enabled in MS Excel.
Using this shortcut for the first time will hide the gridlines.
To do this, press the following keys successively: Alt > W > V > G. This will hide the gridlines.

To bring back the gridlines, use the same shortcut again.

Method #3: Change the Background Color
If you fill a worksheet or a part of it with any colors, the gridlines will get hidden. This method is helpful if you want the gridlines to be hidden only in some parts of the worksheet.
Step #1: Open your workbook
Open an Excel document to show and hide gridlines in that workbook.
If you already have an existing workbook in which you want to perform this exercise, then open that.

Step #2: Select the desired area
In the workbook, select the cells where you want to hide the gridlines. You can do this by clicking on a cell and dragging your mouse over the cells you want to select.
If you want to hide the gridlines in the whole worksheet, press Ctrl + A to select the whole worksheet. To do this, click the Ctrl key on your keyboard, and then the letter A.
We’ve selected a part of the worksheet for this example.

Step #3: Navigate to the Home menu
After selecting the cells, go to the Home menu by clicking on Home in the main menu bar.

Step #4: Change the background color
In the Home ribbon, in the Font section, click on the little arrow to the right of the Fill Color icon. It looks like a little paint bucket.
A dropdown menu will appear, with many colors to select from.
Select a color as per your preference. For this example, we’ve chosen the white color.

In the selected area, the gridlines will get hidden as shown in the screenshot below.

To get the gridlines back, select the whole area again.
Navigate to the Font section in the Home ribbon.
Click on the Fill Color icon.
Select the No Fill option from the dropdown.

The gridlines will appear again.

You can perform this exercise on multiple worksheets in one go as well. Just select the worksheets and then follow the steps as per any of the methods.