How to Insert Text Box in Google Docs

Google Docs is one of the most useful tools that can enhance your productivity; this tool can be used as a complete package for any online work such as writing an article, reading something, editing a content piece, or anything else. 

But not most people are aware that it has a drawing tool too. With the help of which you would be able to design and insert various text boxes & shapes into your document files. 

In this post, we will look at the steps with the help of which we can insert text boxes in Google Docs. But before heading forward with the steps, let us fetch some essential knowledge about the drawing tool. 

All About Google Docs Drawing Tool: 

Whenever you want to add some shapes or other such additional boxes in your document, then at that time, you would have to deal with Google Docs Drawing tool. With this tool, you would be able to take advantage of various shapes, such as: 

  • Customized shapes 
  • Various line styles 
  • Arrows 
  • Callouts 
  • Diagrams 

Such tools can be used for adding a graphical touch to your documents, highlighting important information, and many more such things. 

How to insert text boxes in Google Docs? 

Here are the steps with which you can insert a shape in your Google Docs document using the Drawing tool:

Step 1:

Firstly click on Insert and then from a drop-down menu select Drawing. 

Now click on the +New button to create a new drawing.

Step 2:

You will notice a new page opening, where you can draw various things.

On the above-left side, you will notice the Text Box option, click on it, and below on the given drawing page create a Text Box of the required size. 

Step 3:

Once you have added the Text Box successfully, then you can add some text in it. 

Step 4:

Now click on the Save and Close button. It will insert the text box in the respective Google Document.


This was all about the steps you need to follow for inserting a text box in google docs; there are many more such shapes and sizes that you can add in your documents in the same manner. 

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