How to Delete a Slide on Google Slides

As you build your Google Slides presentation, you may have created duplicate slides. These slides are unnecessary, and you would want to remove them. You may also want to delete some slides if your presentation becomes too long. This tutorial shows you how to delete a slide or slides in a Google Slides presentation. 

3 Steps to delete a slide or slides in a Google Slide presentation:

  • Open your Google Slide presentation
  • Select the slide or slides you want to delete
  • Delete the slide or slides

Let us begin.

Step #1: Open your Google Slide presentation

Click the Google apps button in your Google account. 

Click the Slides app button from the apps list to open the Google Slides home screen.

On the Google Slides home screen (at your recent presentations will be listed.

Open your presentation by double clicking on it. 

Step #2: Select the slide or slides you want to delete

Navigate to the slide you want to delete in the left navigation pane. 

Click on it.

A yellow border surrounds the selected slide.

To select multiple slides next to each other:

Click the first slide, press, hold down the Shift key, and click the next slide or slides. 

This selects many slides that are next to each other.  

A yellow border surrounds the selected slides.

To select multiple slides that are not next to each other:

Click the first slide, press, and hold down the Ctrl key (Command key on a Mac device) and click the other slides. 

This selects slides that are not next to each other.  

A yellow border surrounds the selected slides.  

Step #3: Delete the slide or slides

Press the Delete key or Backspace key on the keyboard to delete the selected slide or slides.


Right-click with your mouse on one of the selected slides.

From the shortcut menu that opens, click Delete.


Click on Edit in the main menu.

Click on Delete.


Click on Slide in the main menu.

Click on Delete slides


You would want to remove superfluous slides from your Google Slides presentation. This tutorial has shown you how to delete a slide or slides on Google Slides, with five easy options.

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