How to Create a Letterhead in Word

There are two ways you can create a letterhead in Word:

  • Manually
  • Using a Template

We will show you both methods in simple, step-wise instructions.

Let us begin.

Method #1: Create a Letterhead Manually

Step #1: Open Word

Open a new blank document in Word.

On the default page that opens, the vertical ruler marks the conventional header section.

To change the size of the header section, click and drag the bottom mark of the vertical ruler.

Step #2: Access the Header Section

Click on the Insert tab in the top menu bar to change the ribbon.

In the section Header & Footer, click on the Header icon.

In the menu that opens, click on the Edit Header icon.

The cursor will now be in the Header section.

Note: You can also access the header section by double-clicking inside it.

Step #3: Insert a Logo

In the section Illustrations, click on the Pictures icon.

A menu will open, offering three choices to insert picture from:

  • This Device… — select a picture from the computer.
  • Stock Images… —select a picture from stock images.
  • Online Pictures… —select a picture from the Internet.

You can select a picture from any of the above choices.

We will click on This Device… to select a picture from the computer.

The File Manager will open.

Navigate to the folder containing the picture you want.

Select the picture.

Click on the Insert button at the bottom.

Using the handles, position the picture as you want in the header.

Step #4: Insert Text Without Boundary

Click on the Insert tab in the top menu bar to change the ribbon.

In the section Header & Footer, click on the Header icon.

In the menu that opens, click on the Edit Header icon.

The cursor will now be in the Header section.

In the section Text, click on the Text Box icon.

In the menu that opens, click on the Built-In text box you prefer.

We click on the Simple Text Box icon.

A text box will appear in the header section.

Type over the selected text with the text you prefer.

Select the text

Right-click on the text.

This will open a menu.

Change the font type, size, and color according to your preference.

Use the handles to position the text box.

Right-click on the boundary of the text box.

In the menu that opens, click on the Format Shape… icon at the bottom.

A Format Shape dialog box will open on the right side of the page.

Under the section Line, click and select the No line entry.

Click on the X mark at the top right of the Format Shape dialog to close the dialog.

Click anywhere outside the text box in the header area.

The header text box boundary will vanish.

Your letterhead is now complete.

Click anywhere in the body of the page to exit the header section.

Step #5: Save the Letterhead

Click on the File tab in the top menu bar to change to the File menu.

In the File menu that opens, click on the Save As tab.

In the Save As menu in the right pane, click on the Browse tab.

The File Manager will open.

Choose a suitable location and name for the file.

In Save as type:, select Word Template.

Click on the Save button at the bottom to save the file.

Open this Word template file to use the letterhead on all pages.

Note: Use this method to also create a footer in the same manner.

Method #2: Create a Letterhead Using a Template

Step #1: Open Letterhead Template

Open Word.

In the left-hand panel, under Word, click on the New tab.

In the right-hand panel, under Office, type letterhead inside the box.

Hit Enter.

Word shows a panel of various letterheads.

Click on the one you prefer.

In the next screen, click on the Create button.

Word generates a document template with the chosen letterhead.

Step #2: Save the Template

Click on the File tab in the top menu bar to change to the File menu.

In the File menu that opens, click on the Save As tab.

In the Save As menu in the right pane, click on the Browse tab.

The File Manager will open.

Choose a suitable location and name for the file.

In Save as type:, select Word Template.

Click on the Save button at the bottom to save the file.

Open this Word template file to use the letterhead on all pages.

Step #3: Use the Letterhead

Open Word.

Click on the File tab in the top menu bar to change to the File menu.

In the left-hand pane, click on the Open icon.

In the right-hand pane, navigate to where you had saved the template file.

Click on the template file.

Word will open a new document with the template file.

Step #4: Fill in the Template

Replace the template contents with your own.

Save the document with a proper name.


We have shown you two methods of creating letterheads in Word. Use the method most convenient to you.

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