Recently we published a post which explained how you can easily clone a word document.
However, sometimes it is necessary to duplicate a part of the document you are writing in Word and paste it into either the same or another document.
How to duplicate a page in a Word Document.
You can do this in two ways:
- Duplicate a Page Using Keyboard Shortcuts
- Duplicate a Page Using Word Menus
We will explain both the methods step-by-step. Let us begin.
Method #1: Duplicate a Page Using Keyboard Shortcuts
Step #1: Open the Word document
Open the Word document where you want to do the duplicating.

Step #2: Copy the content into clipboard
Place the cursor at the beginning of the content that you want to duplicate.
Hold down the Shift key on your keyboard and using the four navigation keys (left, right, up, and down) select the necessary portion of the content in the document.
If the document is only a single page, use Ctrl+A on the keyboard to select all. Press Ctrl+C on the keyboard to copy the selected content to the clipboard.
Note: If you do not need the original content after you have finished copying, use Ctrl+X in place of Ctrl+C after selecting.
This tells Word you are moving (cutting and pasting) the content rather than copying it.

Step #3: Paste the content from clipboard
You may wish to paste the content from the clipboard into:
- The same document
- Another new or existing document. Press Ctrl+N on your keyboard to open a new document or press Ctrl+O to open an existing document.
Whether you are pasting into the same or another document, you have three choices for pasting the clipboard contents:
- Paste it as a new page
- Paste it as a new content
- Paste it as a replacement over existing content
Paste it as a new page.
For a new document, you are already on a new page, but for an existing document, you must create one.
Place the cursor where you want the new page to appear.
Type Ctrl+Enter (or Ctrl+Return) on your keyboard to create a new page.
Place the cursor at the start of the blank page and press Ctrl+V on your keyboard. Word will paste the content from the clipboard into the new page.

Paste it as a new content
If you do not want a new page, place the cursor where you want the duplicate content to appear.
Press Ctrl+V on your keyboard. Word will shift the lines following the cursor downwards and paste the content from the clipboard into the blank space.

Paste it as a replacement over existing content
if you want to replace some content with the content in the clipboard, select the content you want to replace (follow Step #2), but do not press Ctrl+C or Ctrl+X.
Press Ctrl+V on your keyboard. Word will replace the content you had selected with the content from the clipboard.
For instance, replacing existing content will look like—

Method #2: Duplicate a Page Using Word Menus
Step #1: Open the Word document
Open the Word document where you want to do the duplicating.

Step #2: Copy the content into clipboard
Place the cursor at the beginning of the content that you want to duplicate.
Holding down the left mouse button, drag the cursor to select the necessary portion of the content in the document.
Release the mouse button.
Right click anywhere on the selected content to open the Paste Options menu.

Click on Copy to copy the content you had selected into the clipboard.
If you do not need the original content after you have finished copying, click on Cut.
This tells Word you are moving (cutting and pasting) the content rather than copying it.

Step #3: Paste the content from clipboard
You may wish to paste the content from the clipboard into:
- The same document
- Another new or existing document. Click on File on the top menu bar to open the File menu. Click on New to open a new document or on Open to open an existing document.

Whether you are pasting into the same or another document, you have three choices for pasting the clipboard contents:
- Paste it as a new page
- Paste it as a new content
- Paste it as a replacement over existing content
Paste it as a new page
For a new document, you are already at a new page, but for an existing document, you must create one.
Place the cursor where you want the duplicate page to appear. Click on the Insert tab on the top menu bar to change the ribbon. Click on Page Break to create a new page.

Place the cursor at the start of the blank page and right click to open the Paste Options menu. Word offers four choices for pasting the contents of the clipboard:
- Keep Source Formatting—Retain the formatting from the original content
- Merge Formatting—Merge the formatting of the original content and the new page
- Picture—Pastes the copied content as an image.
- Keep Text Only—Remove any image in the original content while pasting

Click on the Paste Option you want to use. Word will paste the contents of the clipboard in the new page. For option #1, the result will look like—

Paste it as a new content
If you do not want a new page, place the cursor where you want the duplicate content to appear. Right-click to open the Paste Options menu.
Word offers four choices for pasting the contents of the clipboard:
- Keep Source Formatting—Retain the formatting from the original content
- Merge Formatting—Merge the formatting of the original content and the new page
- Picture—Pastes the copied content as an image.
- Keep Text Only—Remove any image in the original content while pasting

Click on the Paste Option you want to use.
Word will shift the lines following the cursor downwards and paste the contents of the clipboard in the blank space.
For option #2, the result will look like—

Paste it as a replacement over existing content
if you want to replace some content with the contents in the clipboard, select the content you want to replace (follow Step #2).
Right-click to open the Paste Options menu. Word offers four choices for pasting the contents of the clipboard:
- Keep Source Formatting—Retain the formatting from the original content
- Merge Formatting—Merge the formatting of the original content and the new page
- Picture—Pastes the copied content as an image.
- Keep Text Only—Remove any image in the original content while pasting

Click on the Paste Option you want to use. Word will replace the content you had selected with the content from the clipboard.
For option #3, the result will look like—

For option #4, the result will look like—

Duplicating a page in Word involves copying the content or cutting it and pasting it at the appropriate position.
Although the copying or cutting process is rather simple, the choices Word offers while pasting can be daunting. We have tried to make it easy for everyone to follow the process step-by-step.