How to Make a Signup Sheet in MS Word

The best way to get information about attending visitors or guests at an event, is to use a signup sheet in MS Word. 

Signees can provide information on a signup sheet so that you have an accurate headcount. It also makes organization and planning easier.

See how to make a signup sheet in Microsoft Word with simple, step-by-step instructions.

Let us begin.

Create a Signup Sheet in Microsoft Word

Step #1: Open a Word document

Open an MS Word document.

Navigate to the location where you want the signup sheet to appear.

Step #2: Name the signup sheet

Click on the Home tab in the main menu bar to change the ribbon.

Type in a suitable name for your signup sheet.

Change the font, size, and position of the name.

Hit the Enter key on your keyboard to position the cursor below the name. 

Step #3: Insert a table

Click on the Insert tab in the top menu bar to change the ribbon.

In the section Tables, click on the Table icon.

An Insert Table dialog box will open.

For this tutorial, we will select a table with four columns and eight rows.

Note: The four columns will represent number, name, phone number, and signature. You will be able to add seven names to your table. You can select any other combination of rows and columns to suit your requirements.

A table with four columns and eight rows will appear in the document.

Step #4: Name the columns

Add headings to the top row of the columns.

Add numbers to the first column.

Change the font, size, and positions as you like.

Your signup table is ready for use.

Change Your Signup Sheet

The following options are explained if you want to add or remove columns and rows, and print the signup sheet.

Option #1: Insert rows or columns

Right-click inside the cell where you want to insert a row or column.

A menu will open.

Hover the cursor over the Insert tab.

Another menu will open to show five choices:

  • Insert Columns to the Left
  • Insert Columns to the Right
  • Insert Rows Above
  • Insert Rows Below
  • Insert Cells…

Click on the selection you want for adding a new row or column.

Option #2: Delete a row

Select the row you want to delete by placing your cursor to the extreme left of the row.

You will note that the cursor changes.

Click with your cursor in that position.

This will select the whole row.

Immediately click right, for a menu to open.

On this menu, select Delete Rows.

Word will remove the selected row.

Note: You can delete multiple rows by selecting them all first:

Select the row you want to delete by placing your cursor to the extreme left of the row.

You will note that the cursor changes.

Click with your cursor in that position.

This will select the whole row.

Hold the mouse button down, and drag the cursor down (or up) to select more rows.

Option #3: Delete a column

Select the column you want to delete by placing your cursor at the extreme top of the column.

You will note that the cursor changes to a downward-pointing arrow.

Click with your cursor in that position.

This will select the whole column.

Right-click in the selected column.

A menu will open.

Click on Delete Columns.

Word will remove the selected column.

Note: You can remove multiple columns by selecting them first:

Place your cursor at the extreme top of a column.

You will note that the cursor changes to a downward-pointing arrow.

Click with your cursor in that position.

This will select the whole column.

Hold the mouse button down, and drag the cursor to the right (or left) to select more columns.

Option #4: Print the signup sheet

Click on the File tab in the top menu bar.

In the left pane, click on the Print tab.

This opens the Print dialog box in the right pane.

Under the section Printer, click to select your printer.

Under section Settings, click on Print All Pages.

In the menu that opens, click on Print Current Page.

Under section Print, click on the Print icon to start printing.


We have shown you a simple method of making and changing a signup sheet in MS Word. You can even use our instructions to make a printout.

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