Many a time, you may want to save the table in your MS Word document as an image. The reasons for this may vary. For instance, you may not want others to change the cell size in the table. When you place a table inside a Word document as an image, you are making sure the table format will stay the same. Thus, opening the document on other computers will not disturb its structure.
You may also want to protect the integrity of the data in your table. Convert the table to an image. You will ensure others cannot change the data inside it.
It is easier to share table data if it is in the form of an image. It is more convenient to send an image rather than sending a whole document when sharing. You can even send the image to a mobile device, as most mobile devices do not have Word installed in them.
You can save an MS Word table as an image by taking a screenshot of the table.
We will show you stepwise how you can do the above.
Let us begin.
Step #1: Open the MS Word document.
Open the MS Word document containing at least one table.
Step #2: Position the table
Zoom in or out until the table fills the entire page area as far as possible.
Use the slider at the bottom right-hand corner of the page.
Step #3: Use Snip & Sketch to capture a screenshot
Open The Snip & Sketch program.
Click on the New icon.
This will open another set of icons.
Click on the Rectangular Snip icon.
Click and drag the cross-hairs to cover the entire table as a screenshot.
Click on the Floppy icon to save the captured screenshot.
The File Manager window will open.
Step #4: Save the screenshot and exit Snip & Sketch
Select a proper place to store the image.
Enter a suitable name for the screenshot.
Select the image type.
Click on Save to save the image.
Click on X to exit Snip & Save
Step #5: Replace the table with the image
Right-click on the icon on the top left-hand corner of the table to select the table.
In the menu that opens, click on Delete Table.
Word will delete the table from the document.
Click on the Insert tab on the top menu bar to change the ribbon.
Click on Pictures and select This Device from the menu that opens.
The File Manager will open.
Select the image you have stored earlier and click on Insert.
Word will place the image of the table in the document.
Follow our stepwise instructions above. You can insert your tables as images in your Word document.