How to type fractions in MS Word

3 Ways to Type Fractions in MS Word

  • Using the AutoFormat As You Type feature
  • Using predefined fractions
  • Using the Equation tool

By default, MS Word is configured to use the first method. This feature detects and automatically formats fractions as you type them.

Method 1: Using the AutoFormat As You Type Feature

Step 1: Open Word Document

Step 2: Access the Word Options dialog box.

On the ribbon, click the File tab to display the Start screen.

From there, click the Options button on the bottom left corner to display the Word Options dialog box.

Step 3: Display the AutoCorrect dialog box from the Proofing section.

Click the Proofing section and find the AutoCorrect Options button.

Click it to display the AutoCorrect dialog box.

This dialog box contains features that can automatically format texts as you type them in your document.

Step 4: Enable fraction characters on the AutoFormat As You Type tab.

Click the AutoFormat As You Type tab on the AutoCorrect dialog box.

On this tab, you’ll need to focus on the Replace as you type section.

Check the Fractions (1/2) with fraction character (½) checkbox.

Leave other checkboxes as is and click the OK button of the AutoCorrect dialog to apply your setting.

Step 5: Type fractions in your document.

Now that you have enabled the fraction character feature, you can already type fractions in your document. Recall that there are two parts of a fraction—numerator and denominator.

Type the numerator immediately, followed by the division symbol “/” and the denominator.

Remember not to include spaces between your input characters, for it will not be considered a fraction by the AutoCorrect feature.

After typing your fraction, press the spacebar key on your keyboard and notice that your data will be formatted into a fraction character.

Method 2: Using Predefined Fractions

Another method that you can use to include fractions is by using predefined fractions that are accessible on the Symbol dialog box. .

Step 1: Open the MS Word program.

Step 2: Access the Symbols dialog box.

With a document already open, click the Insert tab on the ribbon and look for the Symbols group.

From here, you need to click the Symbol drop-down button to view the list of symbols under it.

By default, the drop-down list will display the recently-used ones. To access all available symbols, click the More Symbols button under the list.

Step 3: View available fractions under the Number Forms subset.

Now that you have displayed the Symbol dialog box, you need to filter the list of symbols.

Click the Subset drop-down button and choose Number Forms from the list.

MS Word automatically filters the list of symbols based on your condition.

Step 4: Choose the appropriate fraction.

To insert a fraction, click the desired fraction from the dialog box and subsequently, click the Insert button.

Notice that the selected fraction will be inserted automatically to the location of your mouse cursor.

The Symbol dialog box will not close yet to let you insert additional fractions or symbols.

Once you are done, just click the Close button to close the dialog box.

Method 3: Using the Equation Tool

You can also insert fractions to your document using the Equation tool under the Insert tab. Among the tools discussed, this is perhaps the most flexible for it allows you to freely customize the parts of your fraction. It also offers a list of fraction styles you can choose from.

The following are the simple steps on how to utilize it.

Step 1: Create a new or open an existing document.

Step 2: Display the Equation Tools.

This is called the Design tab under Equation Tools.

Click the Insert tab on the ribbon.

Go to the Equation drop-down button from the Symbols group.

Located below the drop-down list is the Insert New Equation button.

Click this button and notice that an equation input box appears on your mouse cursor while the Design tab is added on the ribbon.

Step 3: Insert a fraction format.

Click the Fraction drop-down button from the Structures group under the Design tab.

A list will be displayed under the drop-down button, showing you available styles to choose from.

Click your desired style and it will be inserted to the input box.

Step 4: Customize the fraction.

Now that you have inserted a fraction format, you need to set its numerator and denominator.

Edit the fraction’s numerator by clicking it and typing your required number. Perform the same step on the denominator.

Once done, click anywhere outside the input box to preview your fraction.

If in case you mistyped the digits of your fraction, you can just modify it by redoing this step.


And that’s how you type fractions in MS Word. We hope you found this article helpful!

1 thought on “How to type fractions in MS Word”

  1. This article is great for finding and using special characters. I wonder, though, how can one create special characters such as commonly used fractions in recipes so they all look like the fractions provided in the Special Characters section of Word 10 (soon to be 11?).


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