With Microsoft PowerPoint, you can create a basic timeline. You can then manually adjust and restyle it to fit your needs. The result will be a simple graphic fit for presentations.
3 ways to create Timeline in PowerPoint
- Using a pre-designed timeline template from Microsoft
- Creating a timeline using SmartArt Graphic
- Using basic shapes
We will show you all the above in simple, step-wise instructions.
Method #1: Create a Timeline using a Template
Step #1: Open PowerPoint File Menu
Open PowerPoint.
Click on the File tab in the top menu bar to changeover to the File menu.

Step #2: Select a Timeline Template
In the left pane, click on the New tab.

In the right pane, type timeline inside the search bar.
Click on the search icon on the right.
PowerPoint will display an array of timelines.
Click on the one most suitable to your application.

Click on the Create button in the next screen.

The chosen timeline will appear in the presentation.

Step #3: Customize the Timeline
Click on and select the text you want to modify.
Change the text appropriately.

Change the other texts according to your requirement.

Method #2: Create a Timeline using SmartArt Graphic
Step #1: Open PowerPoint
1. Open a new or an existing presentation in PowerPoint.
2. Navigate to the slide where you want the timeline to appear.
3. Click on and delete any text boxes appearing in the slide.
Step #2: Insert a SmartArt Gaphic
1. Click on the Insert tab in the top menu bar to change the ribbon.

2. In the section Illustrations, click on the SmartArt icon.

3. A Choose a SmartArt Graphic dialog box will open.
4. Click on the Process tab in the left pane.
5. In the central pane, click on the Basic Timeline icon.
Note: You can select any other graphic to suit your specific timeline.
The right pane will show details of the Basic Timeline.
Click on the OK button at the bottom.

The chosen graphic appears in the slide.

Step #3: Customize the Timeline
Click on one of the [Text].
Click on the boundary.

Copy it with CTRL+C.
Paste a copy with CTRL+V.
Repeat the copy-paste until you have as many circles and [Text] as you want.

Step #4: Fill in the Timeline
Click on the left arrow on the left of the graphic.

A text box, Type your text here, appears on the left.
Replace the [Text] with appropriate text.

Replace all [Text] appropriately.

Method #3: Create a Timeline using Basic Shapes
Step #1: Open PowerPoint
Open a new or an existing presentation in PowerPoint.
Navigate to the slide where you want the timeline to appear.
Click on and delete any text boxes appearing in the slide.
Step #2: Insert a Basic Shape
Click on the Insert tab in the top menu bar to change the ribbon.

In the section Illustrations, click on the Shapes icon.

A drop-down menu will open.
Click on the Arrow: Striped Right under Block Arrows.

Note: You can select any other shape to suit your specific timeline.
The cursor will change to a cross.
Position the cross suitably in the slide.
Click and hold the mouse button.
Drag the cursor to a diagonally opposite corner to create the shape.

Use the handles on the shape to resize and position it.
Step #3: Add Text Boxes
Click on the Insert tab in the top menu bar to change the ribbon.

In the section Text, click on the Text Box icon.

The cursor will change to a cross.
Position the cross suitably in the slide.
Click and hold the mouse button.
Drag the cursor to a diagonally opposite corner to create the text box.

Right-click on the boundary of the text box.
In the menu that opens, click on the Outline icon.

From the color palette, choose a suitable color.

Click on the text box.
Use CTRL+C to make a copy.
Use CTRL+V to paste the copy of the text box.

Use CTRL+V to paste as many text boxes as necessary.
Use the handles to position the text boxes appropriately.

Step #4: Fill in the Timeline
Right-click on the first text box.
In the menu that opens, click on Edit Text.

Type in the required text.
Resize the text as appropriate.

Repeat for all the shapes.

We have shown you three methods of creating a timeline in PowerPoint. Use the one you find most suitable.