How to Group and Ungroup Rows in Google Sheets

Methods To Group and Ungroup Rows

3 Methods for Grouping Rows in Google Sheets:

  • By using the Group Rows option from the menu
  • By using the keyboard shortcut Alt+Shift+Right Arrow.
  • Multilayer grouping

2 Methods for Ungrouping Rows in Google Sheets:

  • By using the Remove Group option from the menu.
  • By using the Alt+Shift+Left-Arrow keyboard shortcut.

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How to count cells with text in Google Sheets

When you’re working on your Google Sheet, you might sometimes have large amounts of data. Some of the data might be missing or mixed with numbers. You may want to count the number of cells with data, a text, or even a specific text. Here’s how you can do that. 

3 methods to count cells with text in Google Sheets

  • Using the COUNTIF function
  • Using the COUNTA function
  • Using the SUMPRODUCT function

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How to convert text to Numbers in Google Sheets

You often need to import data to Google Sheets from various file formats. The data could contain date, time, or currency values. When imported, these values may be stored as texts and make it difficult to use for calculations. However, you can convert them to numbers to make your work easier. 

5 methods to convert Text to Numbers in Google Sheets

  • Using DATEVALUE to convert a date value imported as text 
  • Using TIMEVALUE to convert time values imported as text 
  • Using MONTH to convert from month names to numbers 
  • Using REGEXREPLACE to convert currency imported as text 
  • Using Format Number to convert text to a number in the same cell 

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How to insert Image in a cell in Google Sheets

You can neatly arrange pictures in your Google Sheet to correspond to cells in a column. 

Say you have the names of some fruits in a column, and you want to insert images of the fruits in the adjacent cells to increase visual appeal. Google Sheets allows you to insert images in cells.  

2 methods to insert an image in Google Sheets

  • Using the Image in Cell option
  • Using the IMAGE function

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How to change column width in Google Sheets

Google Sheets can do the same thing in multiple ways. For instance, you may want to change the width of a column. This could be for a number of reasons such as trying to fit in all the relevant information within a column.

Changing the column width is fairly easy on Google sheets. However, there is more than one way to do it. The method to choose depends on your requirements. In this guide, we break down everything you need to know about changing column width on Google Sheets. 

3 Methods of Altering Column Width: 

  • Manually Widen or Narrow Column Width 
  • Automatically Widen Column Width   
  • Changing the Width of Several Columns Together 

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How to rename a column in Google Sheets

Google sheets allow you to create spreadsheets that can store various types of data. You can use the stored data to perform complex calculations and create visualizations. It can be tiresome to select the range of cells every time you apply a function or perform a calculation. 

Renaming columns enables you to use your column name instead of the range of cells. This eases your work and saves you time. Sometimes, the header is also included by mistake while performing calculations. 

You can avoid this by separating the column names from the rest of the data. Freezing the header or renaming your column will help you achieve this. Also, note that you cannot rename the first row, i.e., the fixed header set by Google Sheets.

3 methods to rename a column in Google Sheets

  • Using the name box
  • Using named ranges
  • Using the Freeze option

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How to sum a column in Google Sheets

Google sheet allows you to use many functions on a data set. Functions are convenient mathematical operations that can convert raw data into usable information. One such function is the SUM function, which lets you sum up numeric data in a column.

Formula for the SUM Function

The SUM Function totals the values of specific cells, a particular row or column. To use the SUM function, you may use the following formula:

= SUM(A1: A5): Sums cells A1 through A5


=SUM(A1, A5): Sums cells A1 and A5

Here are a few things you should remember while using the SUM function:

1. The word SUM denotes the function name. The bracket () encapsulates the cells in a row or a column that contain the numeric data.

2. The cell reference before the ‘:’ denotes the cell from which the summation begins.

3. ‘:’ allows you to input a range of adjacent cells, and ‘,’ allows you to input non-consecutive cells.  

4. The cell after the semicolon denotes the cell where the summation ends.

3 ways to sum a column in Google Sheets

  • Method 1: Manually type the formula in the cell
  • Method 2: Using the Insert Function Option
  • Method 3: SUM a Column on a Cellular Device

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How to Highlight Text in Google Sheets

Google Sheets allows you to create spreadsheets. In spreadsheets, you can store different types of data, including words, numbers and currencies. 

You might only want to highlight a portion of the text in a particular cell. For example, in the image below, the word ‘Urgent’ is highlighted in red. This allows you to emphasize the text. You can also change the formatting of the text in other ways. For instance, you can italicize it or make it bold. The one thing you cannot do is change the background color of only a portion of the text. You will have to change the background color of the entire cell.

You can also highlight text by changing the background color of the cells containing any text. Doing this allows you to distinguish between cells that are empty and cells that have text. Google Sheets allows you to do this as well. 

3 methods of highlighting text in Google Sheets:

  • Using the text box at the top to highlight portions of a text
  • Double-clicking on a cell to highlight portions of a text
  • Using conditional formatting to highlight only cells with text 

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How to remove duplicates in Google Sheets

Google Sheets offer a couple of methods you can use to remove duplicates in a sheet.

solve this problem. You can either use the Remove duplicates command or the UNIQUE function.

  1. An example of a worksheet that contains unique records

2 Ways to Remove Duplicates in Google Sheets

  • Removing duplicates using the Remove duplicates command
  • Removing duplicates using the UNIQUE function

Let’s get started!

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