How to Center Worksheets Horizontally in MS Excel

If you print a page in Microsoft Word, the content gets centered on the printed page automatically. But that is not the case with Microsoft Excel, as Microsoft Excel, by default, prints from the top-left corner of the page.

Why does Microsoft Excel do this? It is because, like most people, you enter data into the worksheet from cell A1. As a result, Excel replicates that into the printout. However, you can change that printing orientation. This article will discuss three methods of centering worksheets horizontally.

3 Methods of centering your worksheet horizontally in Microsoft Excel:

  • Center the worksheet horizontally from the Print menu
  • Center the worksheet horizontally using Custom Margins
  • Center the worksheet horizontally using the Page Setup launcher tool

Let us begin.

Method #1: Center the Worksheet Horizontally from the Print Menu

This is the simplest way to center a worksheet. 

Step #1: Open the Print menu

Click on the File tab in the top menu bar to change the ribbon.

From here, select the Print option. 

This action will take you to the Print menu.

Step #2: Select Margins

Select Normal Margins. You will get a pop-up menu. 

Select Custom Margins from this pop-up menu. 

This action will open the Page Setup dialog box.


Select Page Setup from the bottom of the page.

Step #3: Center the dataset

Tick the Horizontally checkbox in the Page Setup dialog box. 

Next, click on the Print Preview button.

In the Print Preview, you will find that your dataset has been centered.

Method #2: Center the Worksheet Horizontally Using Custom Margins

If you are often particular about how wide the margins should be before printing a document, this method will be your best route. In our example we won’t modify the margins, but this is a quick route to centering a worksheet.

Step #1: Select the dataset

Click on the top left corner of your dataset.

Hold your mouse button in, and drag the cursor over the rest of the sections you want to print. 

Release the button when you reach the bottom right corner of your dataset.

This action will color the selected area gray, and put a thick green line around the area.

Step #2: Select Page Layout

Click on the Page Layout tab from the top menu bar to change the ribbon. 

From the new ribbon, select Margins, which will give you a pop-up menu. 

Select Custom Margins from the pop-up menu. 

This action will open the Page Setup dialog box.

Step #3: Center the dataset

Tick the Horizontally checkbox in the Page Setup dialog box. 

Next, click on the Print Preview button.

This action will take you to the Print menu.

In the Print Preview, you will find that your dataset has been centered.

Method #3: Center the Worksheet Horizontally Using Page Setup Launcher Tool

The method works via the Page Layout settings in the ribbon, and is the logical place to start if you wish to make other changes as well to how your document should look before printing it out. 

Step #1: Select the dataset

Click on the top left corner of your dataset.

Hold your mouse button in, and drag the cursor over the rest of the sections you want to print. 

Release the button when you reach the bottom right corner of your dataset.

This action will color the selected area gray, and put a thick green line around the area.

Step #2: Click the Page Setup launcher icon

Click on the Page Layout tab from the top menu bar to change the ribbon. 

From the new ribbon, click the small arrow at the bottom right corner of the Page Setup area.

Clicking this launcher icon will launch the Page Setup dialog box.

Step #3: Center the dataset

Click on the Margins tab in the Page Setup dialog box. 

Tick the Horizontally checkbox in the Page Setup dialog box. 

Next, click on the Print Preview button.

This action will take you to the Print menu.

In the Print Preview, you will find that your dataset has been centered.


Your printed output will look much better when it is centered on the page. The very simple methods given above will help you make your work aesthetically pleasing.

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