ICS is a common file format, and to know what it actually is, read our article ‘What is an ICS File and How to Open it?’
Many applications, mostly calendar apps, can create an ICS file. These include:
- IBM Notes
- Windows Live Mail
- Microsoft Outlook
- VueMinder
- Lightning Calendar
- Yahoo! Calendar
- Apple Calendar
- Google Calendar
We will show you how to create an ICS file using two applications:
- Google Calendar
- Microsoft Outlook
Let us begin.
Method #1: Creating an ICS File Using Google Calendar
Step #1: Open Google Calendar
Login to the Google Suite using your credentials.
Open your Google Calendar.

Step #2: Open the Settings Menu
Click on the Wheel icon in the top right corner.

In the drop-down menu that opens, click on Settings.

This will open the settings menu.
Optional: In the left pane of the settings menu, click on the up triangle next to the General tab.
This will close the General section, making the Import & Export option more visible.

Step #3: Open the Export Menu
Click on the Import & Export option.

In the right-hand pane, click on the Export button under the Export section.

Step #4: Save the ICS File
The File Manager dialog box will open.
Navigate to the place where you want to save the file.
Decide on a suitable file name for your calendar file.
Replace the placeholder text with your chosen file name, in the field to the right of File name:
Ensure that the extension ‘.ical’ remains in place.
Select the Save as type: Compressed (zipped) folder.
For our example, we call our ICS file MyExampleCalendar.ical.
Click on the Save button to save the calendar file in a compressed format.

The File Manager will provide feedback about saving the file.

Method #2: Creating an ICS File Using Microsoft Outlook
Step #1: Open Microsoft Outlook
Open Microsoft Outlook.
Open your calendar.

Step #2: Save Your Calendar
Click on the File tab in the top menu bar.

This opens the File menu.
In the left pane, click on Save Calendar.

This opens the File Manager.
Navigate to a suitable location where you want to save your calendar.
Decide on a suitable file name for your calendar file.
Replace the placeholder text with your chosen file name, in the field to the right of File name:
Select Save as type: iCalendar Format from the dropdown menu.
Click on the Save button to save the calendar.

You may need to change the dates for your calendar.
Click on Change Dates… to make changes or click on the Continue button.

We have shared in simple, step-by-step instructions two ways of creating an ICS file. Now you can import this file into other applications, or send it to someone else.
Be sure to read our guide on how to import an ICS file into Google Calendar.
1). Why does the google one have .ical as extension instead of .ics?
2). How do you make the ics file available to others in, say, an email. I want a little html where reader can click on their calendar type to place the event into their calendar. I.e., :
“Add to calendar:
Other ”
where each line is a coded link to “execute” the ics process for that type of calendar using the ics file(s) that I have created.