How to Create a Venn Diagram in Google Docs

Venn diagrams portray the differences and similarities between concepts while displaying their interconnections. 

You can use Venn diagrams for:

  • Comparative analysis, 
  • Problem-solving, and 
  • Demonstrating basic concepts. 

Venn diagrams help to simplify complex ideas by bringing clarity.

We will show you how to create a Venn diagram in Google Docs in easy, step-by-step instructions.

Let us begin.

Step #1: Open a Document

Login to your Google account.

Open Google Docs in your browser.

Hover your mouse cursor over the multicolored cross at the right bottom corner of the web page.

Two new icons will appear:

  • Choose Template
  • Create New Document

Click on the Create New Document icon.

Note: You can also open an existing document. Navigate to the page in your existing document where you want to create the Venn diagram.

Step #2: Open a Drawing Canvas

In the top menu bar, click on the Insert tab.

In the menu that opens, hover the cursor over the Drawing option to open a submenu.

Click on the New option.

Google Docs will now open a new canvas.

Step #3: Create shapes

In the top menu bar, click on the Shape icon.

In the menu that opens, hover the cursor over the Shapes option to open a submenu.

Click on the Oval icon, which looks like a circle.

Tip: Hover with your mouse over the icons to view each name.

Once you click on the icon, the menu disappears and your cursor changes to a cross.

Position the cursor suitably on the canvas.

Click, hold, and drag the cursor diagonally downwards to form a circle.

Release the cursor.

Use handles at the edges, indicated in red below, to reshape and reposition the circle.

Step #4: Copy the shape

Click on the circle to select it.

Press CTRL and C on your keyboard to copy the shape.

Press CTRL and V on your keyboard to paste the shape.

Use handles to position the copy, so that it overlaps the original circle.

Repeat Step #4 to create as many overlapping circles as you want.

Step #5: Make the shapes transparent

Click on a circle to select it.

The top menu bar will change.

Click on the Fill color icon in the top menu bar.

This will open a menu.

Click on the Solid tab.

Click on the Transparent tab at the bottom.

Repeat Step #5 for all shapes.

All circles should now be transparent.

Step #6: Add text

In the top menu bar, click on the Text box icon.

The cursor will change to a cross.

Position the cursor where you want the text box to appear.

Click, hold, and drag the cursor diagonally downwards to form a text box.

Enter relevant text inside the box.

Change the font and size of the text to suit your diagram.

Repeat Step #6 for all text you add.

Step #7: Change Colors

Click to select a circle.

Click the Fill color icon in the top menu bar.

In the menu that opens, click on the Solid tab.

Click on a suitable color from the color list.

The menu will close.

Click the Fill color icon again in the top menu bar.

In the menu that opens, click on the CUSTOM tab.

This opens a dialog box.

Under TRANSPARENCY, drag the cursor to the middle of the slider.

Note: You can adjust the transparency of the circle by dragging the cursor more to the left or more to the right.

Click on the OK button to close the dialog box.

Repeat Step #7 for the other circles, selecting suitable colors for each.

Your Venn diagram is now ready.

Click on the Save and Close button in the top right corner of the canvas to save your diagram.

Your Venn diagram now appears in the document.


We have shown you a simple method of creating a Venn diagram in Google Docs. 

Use this method to make beautiful and creative Venn diagrams.

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