How to Center-align a Table in Word

By default, MS Word aligns tables and other objects to the left. This article will discuss various methods to centre align tables in word.

3 Ways to Center-align a Table in Word

  • Using the Center-align button 
  • Using the Context Menu
  • Using a shortcut key

Method 1: Using the Center-align Button

Step 1: Open up an MS Word file. 

Step 2: Select the table. 

Once your document is ready, select the table by clicking the Move icon found at the upper left corner of the table. 

Step 3: Click the Center-align button. 

Go to the Home tab and select the Center-align icon found under the Paragraph group. 

It will center-align the table.

Method 2: Using the Context Menu

Step 1: Open up an MS Word file. 

Step 2: Access the Context menu. 

Now that your document is ready, right-click on the table to display the Context menu.

On it, select the Table Properties option. This will launch a dialogue box. 

On the Table tab, select the Center option under the Alignment group.

Then, click the OK button to proceed. Otherwise, click the Cancel button. 

Method 3: Using Shortcut Keys

Step 1: Open up an MS Word file. 

Step 2: Select the table. 

Once the table is selected, press the CTRL + E keys on your keyboard. 


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