4 Ways to Fit a Picture to a Page in Word
- Fit a picture by dragging and resizing
- Fit a picture by specifying its length and width
- You can Fit a picture using the Fill Effects tool
- Fit a picture using the Watermark tool
Method 1: Fit a Picture by Dragging and Resizing
Step 1: Open an MS Word document.

Step 2: Insert the image.
Now that we have our document opened, go to the Insert tab on the Ribbon and click on the Pictures button.
This will launch the Insert Picture dialogue box in the middle of your screen.
Locate the picture that you want to use and click the Insert button to proceed.

Step 3: Select the Text Wrap Style.
Right-click on the image and select the Wrap Text option.
This will display a horizontal drop-down menu.
From the list of choices, select either Behind Text or In front of Text style. This is to make sure that the image can be dragged and resized to our heart’s content.
Note that the other text wrapping options will limit the image within the document’s margins.

Step 4: Drag and resize the image.
Drag the top side of the image all the way up to the edge of the document page. Do the same with the bottom, left, and right sides of the image until no whitespace is visible.

In case you want to retain the aspect ratio of the image, resize it by dragging any of the four corners of your image instead.
Drag the upper left corner of the image all the way to the upper left corner of the document.
Repeat this with the lower right corner of the image and the lower right corner of your document.

Method 2: Fit a Picture by Specifying its Length and Width
Step 1: Select the text wrapping style.
Go to the Format tab.
Under the Arrange group on the Ribbon, click the Wrap Text button and select More Layout Options from the horizontal drop-down menu.

Doing so will launch the Layout dialog box in the middle of your screen.

On the Text Wrapping tab, select either Behind Text or In front of Text.

Step 4: Specify the length and width of the image.
Click the Size tab on the Layout dialog box.
Now, input your preferred image dimension into the Height and Width fields. Take note that, by default, MS Word uses the metric system.
So, for an 8.5” x 11” document, the values should be 27.94 cm and 21.59 cm for the height and width, respectively.

You can deselect the Lock aspect ratio and Relative to original picture size checkboxes found at the lower right corner of the dialog box.
This is in case your image’s dimension is not proportional to your document’s.

Click the OK button to proceed. Otherwise, click the Cancel button if you don’t want to retain any changes.

Finally, using the arrow keys or a mouse, reposition your image to fit it to your document.
Method 3: Fit a Picture Using the Fill Effects Tool
Step 1: Select fill effects on the page color option.
Once your document is ready, go to the Design tab and click the Page Color button under the Page Background group.
Then, select the Fill Effects option. This will launch the Fill Effects dialog box in the middle of your screen.

Now, go to the Picture tab and click the Select Picture button. Locate your image either from your device, Bing Image or through your Personal OneDrive. After that, click the Insert button, then the OK button.

Doing this will insert a fit-to-page background image.
Method 4: Fit a Picture Using the Watermark Tool
Step 1: Open up a Word document.

Step 2: Insert your image as a watermark.
Once you have your document opened, go to the Design tab and click the Watermark button found under the Page Background group.
Then, select Custom Watermark. This will prompt a dialog box.

On the dialog box, select Picture Watermark. Click Select Picture, then locate and insert your image file.

If you want to print the image with its original color, untick the washout option, then click the OK button.

You’ll notice that the image only fits the area inside the document’s margin.
Now, to resize it, access the Header by double-clicking the upper part of your document.
Click the image and start dragging it until no whitespace is visible. Double-click outside the document page to exit the Header.

Deleting the Image
For the first two methods, deleting the image is as simple as adding them. Simply click on the image and hit the Delete key on your keyboard.
Meanwhile, to remove the image you placed using Fill Effects, simply go back to the Page Color option on the Design tab, then select No Color.
Lastly, to delete the image as a watermark, simply click on the Watermark button under the Design tab, then select the Remove Watermark option.
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