How to insert a hyperlink in MS Word

Hyperlinks provide an easy way of navigating to different sources or sections in your document. With this feature, you can redirect your readers to an outside source or a certain place within your file. This feature helps you format your document into a more organized and easy-to-navigate form.

3 Ways to Add a Hyperlink in MS Word

  • Using the Link command from the Insert tab
  • Using the Keyboard shortcut
  • Using the Right-click + Link command

Method 1: Using the Insert Tab

Here are the steps on how you can do it.

Step 1: Locate and open your MS Word document.

Step 2: Highlight the word or phrase in your document that you want to add the hyperlink to.

Click and drag your mouse cursor over the words that you will include and release your mouse button. You can also use your keyboard to highlight words. You can do so by holding down the Shift key and pressing on the right or left arrow key until all the intended words have been highlighted.

Step 3: Locate and click the Insert tab on your interface.

Now that you’ve opened your document from your MS Word interface, locate the Insert tab. You will find this situated on the Menu Bar at the top-left corner of your screen.

Step 4: Click the Link command.

With the Insert tab already active, click on the Link command. You’ll find this near the Links group. This will open the Insert Hyperlink dialog box.

Step 5: From the list of hyperlinks, choose the hyperlink you wish to add.

From the Insert Hyperlink dialog box, click on the type of hyperlink you want to add from the list of hyperlinks. If you are unsure of which to choose, you can refer to the next step where we’ll go over the different types of hyperlinks.

Hyperlink Types

There are different types of hyperlinks that you can use depending on how you redirect your readers.

You can either link to an existing file or web page, a certain place within the document, an email address, or link to a new document.

  1. Existing File or Web Page

This type of hyperlink is best used when you want to redirect your readers to a website or another file. A practical application of this feature is when you want to supplement an idea with further details found online or in another source.

  1. Place in this Document

Use this hyperlink if you want to reference and jump to a specific place in the same document. This is best used when you are working on a long document that includes many chapters that are formatted into headers and sections.

  1. Create a New Document

If you need your readers to create a new document upon reading and reaching a specific topic in your document, you can use this type of hyperlink.

  1. Email Address

This type of hyperlink redirects you to an email client program. The program will start with a new message using the email address and subject of the message you will provide.

Step 6: Fill in the required fields.

Upon selecting the type of hyperlink, you need to fill in the required fields. The fields depend on the type selected. Consider the following:

  1. Existing File or Web Page 

If you are to link an Existing File or Web Page, fill in the Address and Text to display fields.

2. Place in this Document

If you are to link a certain place within the document, fill in the Text to display field. Select from the list of places within the document where you want the hyperlink to direct to.

3. Create New Document

If you use this option, fill in the Text to display, Name of new document fields, and browse for the directory where the new document will be created. Set if the new document will be immediately opened or not by selecting the appropriate option.

4. E-mail Address

If you are to link an email address, fill in the Text to display, E-mail address, and Subject fields.

Step 7: Finalize and apply your hyperlink.

Upon configuring your option, review your inputs and click the OK button in the dialog box. The selected word or group of words will then be underlined, and its font will turn to blue, signifying that you have added a hyperlink.

Method 2: Using the Keyboard Shortcut

Step 1: Open the Document That You Need to Format.

Step 2: Determine and highlight the words that will serve as a link.

With your document already open, highlight the words that you want to serve as the link.

Step 3: Display the Hyperlink dialog box by pressing the shortcut keys.

Display the Insert Hyperlink dialog box by simply pressing Ctrl + K on your keyboard.

Step 4: From the Insert Hyperlink dialog box, choose the hyperlink you wish to add.

Once the Insert Hyperlink dialog box is opened, you can now select the type of hyperlink you wish to add.

For this step, refer to the topic types of hyperlinks on the first method to guide you on your selection.

Step 5: Complete the required fields.

Upon deciding and selecting the type of hyperlink, you can now complete the required fields. For this step, you may want to refer to the sixth step of the first method for the details of each field, but here is a quick rundown:

  1. Existing File or Web Page. You can use this option to set up a link to a website or other source. 
  2. Place in this Document. Use this option if you only want your readers to navigate to the different sections of your document.
  3. Create New Document. If there is a need for your readers to create a new document upon reaching a specific topic or word, you can use this option.
  4. E-mail Address. Setting this up means that you require your readers to send an email to the person whom the link is referring to.

Step 6: Finish applying your hyperlink by clicking the appropriate button.

Validate your inputs and finish applying your hyperlink by clicking on the OK button in the dialog box. Notice that the previously selected word or group of words’ font turned to blue.

Method 3: Using the Right-click + Link command

Step 1: Locate and open the document that needs formatting.

Step 2: Highlight the word or group of words in your document which you want to serve as a link.

Step 3: Display the Right-click context menu and click the Insert Hyperlink dialog box.

With the word or group of words already highlighted, right-click over the selection. This will open the right-click context menu.

From here, select the Link command to open the Insert Hyperlink dialog box.

Step 4: Select the hyperlink you wish to add.

Click your desired type of hyperlink from the Insert Hyperlink dialog box. If you are unsure on what to select, refer to the types of hyperlinks.

Step 5: Fill in the details of the hyperlink.

This is the part where you will be configuring the details of the hyperlink you wish to add. The fields depend on the type selected. You may also want to refer to the sixth step of the first method, but here is a quick overview:

  1. Existing File or Web Page. Use this option to configure the details of the website or other source that you will link.
  2. Place in this Document. Set up the navigation to different sections of your document using this option.
  3. Create New Document. You can let your readers create a new document by setting the required fields of this option.
  4. E-mail Address. Let your readers easily create an email message to a specific person by using this option.

Step 6: Apply your hyperlink by clicking the OK button.

Click the OK button in the dialog box. The previously selected words will then be underlined and the font will change to blue.


We hope you found this article helpful.

We have also written a follow-up post on how to remove hyperlinks in MS Word.

1 thought on “How to insert a hyperlink in MS Word”

  1. I’ve been trying to link to a Place in This Document, and although I have created headings and Headings is an option to select – the OK button is not available to click. How do I resolve that issue?


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