2 Ways to Reorder Pages in MS Word
- Reorder pages by cutting and pasting
- Reorder pages using the Navigation pane
Method 1: Reorder Pages By Cutting and Pasting
Step 1: Open up a Word document.

Step 2: Select the text you want to move.
One way to select text is with your keyboard.
First, place your cursor at the beginning of the text you want to cut on your opened document.
Then, press and hold the Shift and the Arrow Down keys until the end of the text.
For this example, we’re moving the conclusion part to the end of the document. .

Alternatively, you can also select the text using your mouse or touchpad.
To do this, simply double-click at the beginning of the text that you want to cut. Then, drag your cursor until all of your desired text is selected.
Step 3: Cut the text.
Once you’re done selecting your text, right-click on it and select Cut on the horizontal dropdown menu.

You can also press Ctrl + X keys on your keyboard to cut the selection.
You’ll notice that the text suddenly disappears. Don’t worry because you are doing just fine. It’s safely kept in the Windows clipboard. Now, let’s keep moving.
Step 4: Paste the text to your desired location.
Using your arrow keys or mouse, move your cursor to where you want to move your text. Then, using your keyboard, press the Ctrl + V keys to paste the text.
Method 2: Reorder Pages Using the Navigation Pane
This method is perfect if you have used an outline in your document.
Step 1: Open an MS Word file.

Step 2: Enable the Navigation pane.
Once you have your document ready, go to the View tab. Under the Show group, tick the checkbox beside the Navigation Pane.
This will launch the Navigation Pane on the left side of the screen.

Step 3: Rearrange the headings of your document.
If you’ve appropriately labeled your document’s sections, you’ll see all the headings you’ve made listed under the Headings tab.
Now, simply click on the heading that you want to move and drag it to your desired new location.
For this example, we’ll drag the Conclusion heading to the bottom of the list.

Note that you can also edit the headings and sections as you move them around.
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