Sometimes it is necessary to save a Word document as an image file, mainly as an evidence that you want to share with others.
For this purpose, Word offers saving a document as a PDF or Portable Document Format.
However, if you want to insert part of a document as an image into another document, you must save the first document as an image file.
To do that, you must use an online converter, or the screen capturing feature available in Microsoft Windows. Therefore, there are two methods to you can use.
2 Ways to Save a Word doc as Jpeg
- Convert PDF to jpeg using Adobe Acrobat online converter
- Convert to jpeg using Microsoft Windows Snip & Search
We will explain both methods. Let’s begin.
Method #1: Convert PDF to jpeg using Adobe Acrobat online converter
Step #1: Open Word document
Open the Word document you want to convert.

Step #2: Save as PDF
Click on the File tab on the top menu bar. This opens the File menu.

Click on the Export tab on the left. On the right, click on the Create PDF/XPS icon to open a File Manager dialog.

Navigate to the location where you want to save the converted document. Click on Save as type and choose PDF. Click on File name and enter a suitable name. Click on Open file after publishing to remove the tick mark inside the square on its left. Click on Publish to save the document in PDF format. If you have a suitable PDF Reader in your computer, you can verify the conversion.
Step #3: Convert with Adobe Acrobat online converter
Open your favorite browser, and go to the Adobe Acrobat online converter for PDF to jpeg. You may have to log in or register to use the service.

Click on Select a file to open a File Manager dialog.

Navigate to the location where you had saved the PDF file in Step #2. Click on the PDF file to select it. Click on Open to see the file in your browser.

Click on convert to JPG. Adobe Acrobat starts the conversion, and informs you when it completes.

Click on Download, and a dialog appears, allowing you to save the converted file.

Click on Save File, click on Ok, and a File Manager dialog appears.

Navigate to the location where you want to save, choose a suitable File name and click on Save. Adobe saves a zipped file.
You can open the zipped file using any unzip facility. Observe the zipped file has a number of image files, representing each page of your Word document.

Method #2: Convert to jpeg using Microsoft Windows Snip & Search
Step #1: Open Word document
Open the Word document you want to convert. Navigate to page #1. Resize the page until you see the entire page on the screen.

Step #2: Use the screenshot capture feature of Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Windows 10 offers a Snip & Search facility for capturing snapshots of your screen. Press the Windows+Shift+S keys together on your keyboard. The screen will darken, and Snip & Search will offer a selection of three types of clip:
- Rectangular clip—select using a rectangular window
- Freeform clip—select using a window with a free shape
- Full screen clip—select the entire screen

Step #3: Capture the snip
Click on the Rectangular clip icon. The cursor changes to a large cross. Place the cross on the top left-hand corner of the page you want to capture, and holding the left mouse button down, drag the cursor to the bottom right-hand corner of the page. Release the mouse button. Word informs you that it has saved the snip to the clipboard.

Step #4: Convert and save the snip
Open your favorite picture editor, such as Microsoft Paint 3D, available in Windows 10.

Click on New to open a blank document. Press Ctrl+V together on your keyboard to paste the image from the clipboard into the blank space.

Click on Menu to open a dialog.

Click on Save as on the left, and click on the Image icon on the right to open a File Manager dialog.

Navigate to the location where you would like to save the image, enter a suitable name for the File name. Select 2D-JPEG in the Save as type, and click on Save. Windows saves the image of the first page in jpeg format.
You can convert other pages from your Word document and save them as jpeg.
Although Word does not allow directly converting documents to jpeg format, it is possible to convert to jpeg in a slightly circuitous way.
We have shown two simple methods above, and it should be easy to follow our stepwise instructions.