By default, Word displays a document as scrolling pages in a single column. This is called the Print Layout.
But Word can display the document in other layouts as well.
4 ways to split page in half in MS Word
- Display two pages side by side.
- Display the document on multiple pages.
- Use columns to split a page vertically in half.
- Use tables to split a page vertically in half.
We will show how to achieve the above in a few simple steps.
Let us begin.
Method #1: Display Two Pages Side by Side
Step #1: Open Word document
Open your Word document.
By default, Word displays the document in Print Layout in a single column.

Step #2: View two pages side by side
Click on the ‘View’ tab in the top menu bar to change the ribbon.

In the section ‘View’, click on the Read Mode icon.

Now Word will display two pages of the document side by side, as in a book.

Step #3: How to Return to Print Layout
If you wish to return to the default print layout, click on the ‘View’ tab in the top menu bar.

This opens a menu.
Click on the Edit Document icon.

Word displays the document in the default Print Layout.
Method #2: Display the Document in Multiple Pages
Step #1: Open Word document
Open your Word document.
By default, Word displays the document in Print Layout in a single column.

Step #2: View multiple pages
Click on the View tab in the top menu bar to change the ribbon.

In the section Zoom, click on the Multiple Pages icon.

Word displays two pages of the document side by side, as in a book.

Step #3: How to return to Print Layout
If you wish to return to the default print layout, click on ‘Zoom’.
Next, click on the ‘One Page’ icon.

Word displays the document in the default Print Layout.
Method #3: Use Columns to Split a Page Vertically in Half
Step #1: Open the Word document
Open your Word document.
By default, Word displays the document in Print Layout in a single column.

Step #2: Change page layout
Click on the ‘Layout’ tab in the top menu bar to change the ribbon.

In the section ‘Page Setup’, click on the Columns icon.

You will see this has a little downward pointing arrow – this will open a menu.
Click on More Columns at the bottom of this menu.

Now a Columns dialog box will appear.
Step #3: Split the page using preset columns
In the Columns dialog box, under Presets, you can select:
- One — for displaying a single column (default).
- Two — for displaying two columns (like an open book).
- Three — for displaying three columns.
- Left — for displaying two columns, with the right-hand side column wider than the left.
- Right — for displaying two columns, with the left-hand side column wider than the right.
Step #4: Control the number and size of columns
Enter the number of columns you want against ‘Number of Columns’.
Note: Word allows a maximum of 15 columns.
Click on ‘Line between’ to insert a line between the columns.
You can control the width of each column by selecting the column in Col#: and entering the dimension you want in the ‘Width:’ field.
You can control the spacing after any column by selecting the column in Col#: and entering the dimension you want in the ‘Spacing:’ field.
Place a tick-mark on Equal column width to set all columns to the same width as the first column.
Click on ‘Apply to:’ to apply the choices to either:
- Whole document — convert the entire document into columns.
- This point forward — Convert only the subsequent pages of the document from where you are in the document at the moment.

Once you have the settings to your liking, click on Ok to exit the dialog box.
Word will then apply your choices to the document.

Method #4: Use Tables to Split a Page Vertically in Half
Step #1: Open Word document
Open a new blank Word document.
Step #2: Insert a table
Click on the ‘Insert’ tab in the top menu bar to change the ribbon.

In the section ‘Tables’, click on the Table icon.

This opens the ‘Insert Table’ dialog box.
Click on the second square from left in the top row.

This will insert a table with a single row and two columns.

Step #3: Modify the table
Right-click on the table.
This will open a menu.
Click on ‘Table Properties’.

This will open a ‘Table Properties’ dialog box.
Click on the Row Tab.
Under Size, select the tick-box next to ‘Specify height:’.
Enter a zero in the box on the right of ‘Specify height:’.
Under Options, click on the tick-box next to ‘Allow row to break across pages’, and ensure there is no tick mark in the adjacent box.

Click on Ok to exit the dialog and return to the document.
Hover your cursor over the table.
A cross symbol appears in the top left corner.
Click on this cross symbol to select the entire table.

Step #4: Fix the column width
Right-click on the selected table.
This opens a menu.
Move your mouse down to ‘AutoFit’.

Another menu will appear to the right.
On that menu, click on Fixed Column Width.

Step #5: Enter contents in the table
Now you can enter your desired content into the table.

Step #6: Remove the borders
Click on the cross symbol in the top left corner of the table to select the entire table.
Right-click on the table to open a menu.
Click on the triangle beside the borders icon.

This will open another menu.
Click on No Border.

Word will now remove all borders from the table.
You now have a single page with two columns.

We have shown you four easy methods to split a page in half, like in an open book in MS Word. Feel free to use the one most suitable to your purpose!