How to Change Bullet Size in MS Word

Have you ever felt that the bullet size of your bulleted list was too small or too big? Did you know that in MS Word, you can change the size of the bullets?

2 ways to change bullet size in MS Word

  • Change bullet and text size together.
  • Change only the bullet size.

We will show you a few easy, step-by-step instructions on how to do this.

Let us start.

Method #1: Change Bullet and Text Size Together

Step #1: Open the Word document

Open your Word document.

Navigate to the section where your bulleted list appears.

Step #2: Change the size of the text.

Select the text that has bullets by clicking and dragging with your mouse.

Next, click on the Home tab in the top menu bar to change the ribbon.

In the section ‘Font’, click on the small triangle beside the font size.

This will open a drop-down list of font sizes.

Select a size smaller or larger than the present size.

Word increases the text size and the bullet size at the same time.

Method #2: Change Only The Bullet Size

Step #1: Open Word document

Open your Word document.

Navigate to the section where your bulleted list appears.

Step #2: Change the size of bullets alone

Click on any bullet to select all of them.

Click on the Home tab in the top menu bar to change the ribbon.

In the section ‘Font’, click on the small triangle beside the font size.

This will open a list of font sizes.

Select a size smaller or larger than the present size.

Word changes the size only for the bullets, but not the text.


Follow our simple and easy step-by-step instructions above to quickly increase or decrease the size of bullets in a bulleted list. 

You can also read how to change the standard bullets to anything else you wish in our related article.

We have shown you two methods of changing the size of bullets in your MS Word document. Use them to your advantage.

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