How To Add Background Music To PowerPoint Presentation

There are several ways to improve your PowerPoint presentation. For instance, you can use built-in themes, infographics, slide transitions, and animations. This will make your presentation unique, attractive, and engaging.

However, adding background music is a totally different ball game. It can lift the genre of your presentation to a new height.

Add the right type of background music to a presentation. Not only will you effectively set its tone, but you will also help to keep the audience enthralled. You will also be making your presentation more memorable.

Adding background music to the PowerPoint presentation is not difficult at all.

Simply follow our instructions step-by-step. You should have your presentation linked to a suitable musical track in no time. You can use any online music track or a music file you have downloaded into your computer.

PowerPoint even allows you to record your own audio for your slides.

Let’s begin.

Step #1: Open your presentation.

Go to the slide from where you want the music to start.

Step #2: Insert Audio

Click on Insert tab in the top menu bar to change the ribbon.

In the section Media, click on the Audio button.

PowerPoint gives you two choices:

  1. Audio on My PC—Select an audio track available on your PC or on any other source.
  2. Record Audio—Record your own audio for insertion.

If you already have a music file in your PC, click on a) and go to Step #3. To record your own audio, click on b) and go to step #4.

Step #3: Insert audio from PC

PowerPoint opens a file manager dialog box.

Locate your music file, select it, and click on Insert.

PowerPoint inserts an audio symbol into your presentation slide.

Drag and size it to where you want it to appear.

Go to Step #5.

Step #4: Record your audio for insertion

PowerPoint opens a Record Sound dialog box.

Give the recording a new Name.

To start recording, click the Red button—1.

To stop recording, click the Black button—2.

To playback your recording, click the triangle button—3.

Once the recording is satisfactory, click on OK.

PowerPoint inserts an audio symbol into your presentation slide.

Drag and size it to where you want it to appear.

Go to Step #5

Step #5: Play music in the background

Click on the Playback tab in the top menu bar. It allows many options for controlling the music.

By default, the music will not play, as the section Audio Styles is set to No Style.

To play the music in the background, click on Play in Background.

Step #6: Start the music

Under section Audio Options, click on Start.

PowerPoint gives you the choice to start the music automatically as soon as the slide is on. Alternately, you must click on the audio symbol in your slide to start the music.

You also have a choice to play the music across all slides and to stop the music when you click on the audio symbol.

Finally, the audio symbol also allows you to mute/unmute your speaker. You can also control the playback level of your music.


Use our simple stepwise instructions to liven up your presentation in PowerPoint.

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