You may be in a hurry to create your presentation, and have time only to create it with plain text. To make the presentation more interesting, you must fill in background images, colorful text, and decorative art. But these efforts take time to make their combined effect presentable.
However, you can easily liven up a plain text type presentation by giving your text more curves.
PowerPoint allows you to curve your text in many ways. You can also change your plain text into decorative art text, make the text follow a nice curve or circle, or do all of them simultaneously.
To simplify things, we have created some simple instructions.
3 ways to curve text in PowerPoint
- Curve plain text
- Curve WordArt text
- Curve text around a circular shape
The advantage of learning the above three methods is all three are equally effective. You can easily bend text using the above techniques.
Let us start.
Method #1: Curve plain text
Step #1: Open a presentation
The text you want to curve must be enclosed in a text box.
Let us start with a blank presentation.
Step #2: Insert a Text Box
- Click on the Insert tab in the top menu bar to change the ribbon.

- In the section Text, click on Text Box.

- The cursor will change to a cross.
- Click and hold the mouse at a point where you want the top left-hand corner of the text box to appear.
- Drag the mouse down to the bottom right-hand corner.
- PowerPoint opens a text box with handles on its corners and sides.

- Use the handles appropriately to position and size the text box.
- Double-click inside the text box and enter some text.
- Click outside the text box to exit the text box.

Step #3: Curve the text
- Select the entire text you have entered.
- Click on the Format tab in the top menu bar to change the ribbon.

- In the section WordArt Styles, click on Text Effects to open a menu.

- Click on Transform to open another menu.

The menu offers three types of transformations:
- No Transform (exit without creating curved text)
- Follow Path
- Warp
You can select any of the above, and we have selected Arch: Warped, under Warp.

Step #4: Modify the curved text
Click and drag the white circles to position and size the curved text.

- Click and drag the yellow circle to the right to increase the text height. Drag it to the left to decrease the height.
- Click and drag the yellow circle vertically upwards to decrease the angle between the text.
- Click and drag the yellow circle vertically downwards to increase the angle between the text.
- Once you are satisfied with the results, click outside the text box.

Method #2: Curve WordArt text
This method is similar to Method #1, you only replace the plain text with WordArt.
Step #1: Open a presentation
Let us start with a blank presentation.
Step #2: Insert a WordArt
Click on the Insert tab in the top menu bar to change the ribbon.

In the Section Text, click on WordArt.

PowerPoint opens up several choices for WordArt.

Select your WordArt.
PowerPoint opens a text box with handles on its corners and sides and the WordArt as content.

Use the handles appropriately to position and size the text box.
Double-click inside the text box and replace the text with your own.

Click outside the text box to exit the text box.
Step #3: Curve the text
Select the entire text you have entered.
Click on the Format tab in the top menu bar to change the ribbon.

In the section WordArt Styles, click on Text Effects to open a menu.

Click on Transform to open another menu.

The menu offers three types of transformations:
- No Transform (exit without creating curved text)
- Follow Path
- Warp
You can select any of the above, and we have selected Arch: Warped, under Warp.

Step #4: Modify the curved text
Click on the curved text.

Click and drag the white circles to position and size the curved text.
Click and drag the yellow circle to the right to increase the text height. Drag it to the left to decrease the height.
Click and drag the yellow circle vertically upwards to decrease the angle between the text.
Click and drag the yellow circle vertically downwards to increase the angle between the text.
Once you are satisfied with the results, click outside the text box.

Method #3: Curve text around a circular shape
For this method, you can use either plain text or WordArt.
Step #1: Open a presentation.
We start with a blank presentation
Insert a circular shape.

Step #2: Insert WordArt
Follow Method #2, stop after Step #2.

Step #3: Curve the text around a circular path
Select the entire text you have entered.
Click on the Format tab in the top menu bar to change the ribbon.

In the section WordArt Styles, click on Text Effects to open a menu.

Click on Transform to open another menu.
The menu offers three types of transformations:
- No Transform (exit without creating curved text)
- Follow Path
- Warp
To completely curve the text around the circular shape, select Circle under Follow path.

Step #4: Modify the curved text
Click on the curved text.

Click and drag the white circles to position and size the curved text.
Click and drag the yellow circle to the right to increase the text height. Drag it to the left to decrease the height.
Click and drag the yellow circle clockwise along the circular shape to decrease the angle between the text.
Click and drag the yellow circle anti-clockwise along the circular shape to increase the angle between the text.
Once you are satisfied with the results, click outside the text box.

With the above three methods, you now know how to spruce up your plain presentation with curved texts. You can use this knowledge to increase the attraction of any presentation in PowerPoint.