When you must display data in your slides, the most efficient way is to use tables. You may already have the data in an Excel file. Simple display the data in the form of a table in your slide. If you do not have the data, create a table and fill in as you go. You may insert a table in a new slide or in an existing one. And finally, you can format the table in your slide to show it as you want.
In PowerPoint, it is possible to do all the above. We will show you all the methods of inserting a table. We will also show you how to format a table in simple stepwise instructions.
5 ways to insert a table in Powerpoint
- Insert a table in a new slide
- Insert a table as a matrix in an existing slide
- Insert a table with select rows and columns in an existing slide
- Insert a table as a drawing in an existing slide
- Insert a table as an Excel spreadsheet in an existing slide
Let’s begin.
Method #1: Insert a table in a new slide.
Step #1: Open PowerPoint
Open a new slide in PowerPoint.
The slide has a content box in the middle.
Step #2: Insert a table
Click on the Table icon within the content box.

An Insert Table dialog box will open.
Enter the Number of columns you want in the table.
Enter the Number of rows you want in the table.
Click on OK to exit the dialog box.

PowerPoint will insert a table with the rows and columns you chose.

Drag and resize the table using the border handles.
Method #2: Insert a table as a matrix in an existing slide.
Step #1: Open PowerPoint slide
Open an existing slide in PowerPoint, where you want the table to appear.
Step #2: Insert a matrix table
Click on the Insert tab in the top menu bar to change the ribbon.

In the section Tables, click on the Table icon.

This will open an Insert Table dialog.

Hover the mouse pointer over the squares, until the correct number of rows and columns light up.
Click on the bottom right-hand square.

PowerPoint displays the table with the chosen number of rows and columns.
Drag and resize the table using the border handles.
Method #3: insert a table with select rows and columns in an existing slide
Step #1: Open PowerPoint slide
Open an existing slide in PowerPoint, where you want the table to appear.
Step #2: Insert a matrix table with select rows and columns
Click on the Insert tab in the top menu bar to change the ribbon.

In the section Tables, click on the Table icon.

This will open an Insert Table dialog.
Click on Insert Table

An Insert Table dialog box will open.
Enter the Number of columns you want in the table.
Enter the Number of rows you want in the table.
Click on OK to exit the dialog box.

PowerPoint will insert a table with the rows and columns you decided.

Drag and resize the table using the border handles.
Method #4: insert a table as a drawing in an existing slide
Step #1: Open PowerPoint slide
Open an existing slide in PowerPoint, where you want the table to appear.
Step #2: Insert a table as a drawing
Click on the Insert tab in the top menu bar to change the ribbon.

In the section Tables, click on the Table icon.

This will open an Insert Table dialog.
Click on Draw Table

The cursor will change to a drawing pencil.
Click and drag the pencil pointer to draw a cell.

Step #3: Add new rows and columns
Right-click inside the cell.
A new menu will open.
Click on the Insert icon.

A drop-down menu will open.
You have four choices:
- Insert Columns to the Left — to add columns to the left of the cell.
- Insert Columns to the Right — to add columns to the right of the cell.
- Insert Rows Above — to add rows above the cell.
- Insert Rows Below — to add rows below the cell.

Click on the appropriate choices to add the required number of columns and rows.
Drag and resize the table using the border handles.
Method #5: insert a table as an Excel spreadsheet in an existing slide
Step #1: Open PowerPoint slide
Open an existing slide in PowerPoint, where you want the table to appear.
Step #2: Insert a table as a drawing
Click on the Insert tab in the top menu bar to change the ribbon.

In the section Tables, click on the Table icon.

This will open an Insert Table dialog.
Click on Excel Spreadsheet

PowerPoint opens a new table in the form of Excel Spreadsheet.

Drag and position the table by its border to where you want.
We have shown you five ways to insert a table into your PowerPoint slide. Feel free to comment