How to Install Custom Fonts in PowerPoint

Sometimes a particular company insists on using a custom font they have specifically created. You may also want to use an uncommon font to enhance the design of your PowerPoint slides.

If the specified font is available on your computer, you only have to pick and apply it. However, if you do not, then it is necessary to get and install that font in your system before you can use it. Be aware that while some fonts are available free to use, others may require paying a royalty fee before you can use them.

Lastly, if you share your presentation with others, chances are, they do not have the custom font you are using. They will be able to see your presentation slides, but they will look different because their system will not display the proper font. The answer to this is to embed your custom font before you share your documents.

How to Install and use custom fonts in a PowerPoint Presentation

  • Get a custom font file.
  • Install the custom font in your system.
  • Use the installed font.
  • Embed the custom font in PowerPoint.

Let us begin.

Get the Custom Font File

You may get the custom font file from different sources. For instance, you may get it from a friend, or you may download it from the Internet. Here, we will show you how to download Bitstream Vera Sans font files. These fonts are available in the public domain under a GPL license, meaning you can use them freely.

Step #1: Search for Font

Open your favorite browser.

Search for Bitstream Vera Sans font.

The browser will display many search results.

Step #2: Download the Font

From the search results, select a site that you can trust.

Visit the site by clicking its link.

Click the Download button to download the font to your computer.

The File Manager will open, pointing to the Downloads folder.

Click the Save button.

Your computer will save the downloaded file in the Downloads folder.

Install the Custom Font in your System

Most often, the font files are available in a zipped format. However, some font files may also be available directly as a .ttf or a .otf font format. The file we have downloaded is in a zipped format, which we have to unzip before we can install them.

Step #1: Unzip the Font File

Open File Manager.

Navigate to the Downloads folder.

Click on the Bitstream Vera Sans zipped folder.

This will open the zipped folder to display individual files.

Step #2: Install the Font Files

Click the topmost file.

An install window will open.

Click the Install button.

This will install the font file appropriately.

Close the window by clicking on the Close button.

Repeat this step for the other files in the unzipped folder.

The custom font is now installed in your system.

You must reboot your computer before you can use the fonts.

Use the Installed Fonts

If you have rebooted your computer, the custom font should appear when you open the office suite.

Step #1: Open PowerPoint Presentation

Open a blank presentation or navigate to a slide where you want to insert the link.

Click the text, Click to add title.

Click the Home tab in the top menu bar to change the ribbon.

In the section Font, click the small triangle in the box displaying the font name.

A drop-down menu will open.

Scroll to the Bitstream Vera Sans entry and click to select it.

Step #2: Use the Custom Font

Now, type a new title.

The new title will be in the custom font you have selected.

Embed the Custom Font in PowerPoint

Step #1: Open PowerPoint Presentation

Open your PowerPoint Presentation that uses the custom font.

Step #2: Embed Fonts in Presentation

Click the File tab in the top menu bar to open the File menu.

In the File menu, click the Save As tab in the left pane.

In the right pane, click the Browse tab.

The File Manager will open.

Navigate to a suitable location.

Enter a suitable name in the box next to File name:.

Click the Tools tab at the bottom.

A drop-down menu will open.

Click the Save Options… tab.

A PowerPoint Options window will open.

Click Save tab in the left pane.

Make sure your presentation file name appears in the box next to Preserve fidelity when sharing this presentation:

Click to check the box next to Embed fonts in the file.

Click the OK tab to close the options window.

Click the Save button in File Manager.

This will close File Manager and save the presentation with the fonts embedded inside.


We have shown you how to install, use, and embed custom fonts in PowerPoint. Use our method to make beautiful presentations. For any questions, write to us in the comments section below.

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