If you want to share your Google calendar with other people, there are several ways.
3 ways to share a Google Calendar
- Share with specific people
- Share with the public
- Share with everyone in your organization.
We will show you all the sharing methods in simple, step-by-step instructions.
Let us begin.
Method #1: Share Your Google Calendar with Specific People
Step #1: Open your Google Calendar
Login to your Google account using your credentials.
Open your Google calendar.

Step #2: Select the calendar to share
In the left pane, click on the down arrow next to My calendars.

This opens a drop-down menu, showing all your Calendars, Contacts, Reminders, and Tasks.

Hover the mouse cursor over the calendar you intend to share.
When your cursor hovers over the different calendar options, three dots will appear to the right.
Step #3: Open the Settings Menu
Click on the three dots that appear next to your calendar you want to share.

This will open a menu with more options.
Click on the Settings and sharing option.

The settings window will now open.
Step #4: Share with Specific People
In the Settings window in the left pane, under the section Settings for my calendar, click on Share with specific people.

The right pane will display the menu for ‘Share with specific people.’
Click on the + Add people button.

A dialog box will open with a list of contacts from your contacts list.
Click on a name you want to add.

The name will appear at the top of the list.
Click on Add email or name to add another name besides the first one.
Repeat until you have added the names of all the specific people with whom you want to share your calendar.
Click on the Send to share your calendar with them through email.

Method #2: Share your Google Calendar with the Public
Step #1: Open your Google Calendar
Login to your Google account using your credentials.
Open your Google calendar.

Step #2: Select the calendar to share
In the left pane, click on the down arrow next to My calendars.

This opens a drop-down menu, showing all your Calendars, Contacts, Reminders, and Tasks.

Hover the mouse cursor over the calendar you intend to share.
When your cursor hovers over the different calendar options, three dots will appear to the right.
Step #3: Open the Settings Menu
Click on the three dots that appear next to your calendar you want to share publicly.

This will open other options.
Click on the Settings and sharing option.

The settings menu will open.
Step #4: Share with Public
In the Settings menu in the left pane, under the section Settings for my calendar, click on Access permission for events.

The right pane will display the menu for ‘Access permission for events’.
Tick the checkbox next to Make available to public.

This will cause a pop-up warning to appear.
If the warning is acceptable, click on OK to close the pop-up.

Now, your calendar is available to the public.

Method #3: Share your Google calendar with Everyone in your Organization
Step #1: Open your Google Calendar
Login to your Google account using your credentials.
Open your Google calendar.

Step #2: Select Calendar to Share
In the left pane, click on the down arrow next to My calendars.

This opens a drop-down menu, showing all your Calendars, Contacts, Reminders, and Tasks.

Hover the mouse cursor over the calendar you intend to share.
When your cursor hovers over the different calendar options, three dots will appear to the right.
Step #3: Open the Settings Menu
Click on the three dots that appear next to your calendar you want to share with your organization.

This will open other options.
Click on Settings and sharing.

The settings menu will open.
Step #4: Share with your Organization
In the Settings menu in the left pane, under the section Settings for my calendar, click on Access permission for events.

The right pane will display the menu for Access permission for events.
Click on Get shareable link.

A pop-up notification with the shareable link opens.
Click on the Copy link tab to copy the link to the clipboard.
Click on the Close tab to exit the notification.

Paste the link in an email and send it to all the relevant people in your organization.
We have shared three methods explaining how to share your Google calendar. Use the method most suitable to your situation.