How to Make a Pie Chart in Google Slides

Making a pie chart in Google Slides is easy, as the software offers all the tools to make the chart. Moreover, you can edit almost everything and change it to your liking.

You can make a pie chart in Google Slides in two ways:

  • Using basic shapes
  • Using chart tools

Method #1: Making Pie Chart using Basic Shapes

This method takes longer, but you can control all aspects of the pie chart. Drawing the pie chart on paper first will help.

Step #1: Open Google Slides

Fire up your favorite browser.

Go to the Google home page.

In the top right corner, Sign in to your Google accounts using your credentials.

Click the nine dots to open Google apps.

Scroll and click the Slides icon.

Google Slides will open.

Step #2: Open a Presentation

Open a new presentation or an existing one.

In this tutorial, we will open a new presentation.

Hover the mouse pointer over the + button in the bottom right corner.

The button will change to two new buttons.

Click the button, Create new presentation.

A new presentation slide will open.

Step #3: Clear the Slide

Click the text box, Click to add title.

Replace it with a suitable title.

Click the text box, Click to add subtitle.

Delete the text box.

The slide will now look like:

Step #4: Insert the Pie Shape

Click the Insert tab in the top menu bar.

A drop-down menu will appear.

Hover the mouse pointer over the Shape icon.

Another menu will open on the right.

Hover the mouse pointer over the Shapes icon.

Another menu will open on the right.

Click the Pie icon.

The cursor will change to a cross.

Position the cross suitably within the slide.

Hold and drag the mouse button to the opposite bottom corner.

A pie shape will appear in the slide.

Adjust its size, position, and placement using the handles.

Step #5: Make Copies of the Pie Shape

Click to select the pie shape.

Press CTRL+C on your keyboard to copy the shape to clipboard.

Press CTRL+V on your keyboard to paste a copy from the clipboard.

Make as many copies as necessary.

Step #6: Adjust the Angle of the Pie Shapes

Click the first pie shape.

Drag the handle to change the angle of the shape.

Repeat the same for the other pie shapes to make the segments.

Step #7: Merge the Shapes

Click and drag the pie segments to form a pie chart.

Adjust the individual angles suitably.

Step #8: Change the Colors

Click the first segment of the pie to select it.

Click the Fill color icon in the top toolbar.

A color chart will open.

Click to select a suitable color.

The segment will change to the selected color.

Repeat to change the color of the other segments.


Step #9: Annotate the Pie Chart

Click the Insert tab in the top menu bar.

A drop-down menu appears.

Click the Text box icon.

The cursor changes to a cross.

Position the cross suitably.

Hold the mouse button and drag the cross to the opposite bottom corner.

A text box will appear.

Fill in the text box with appropriate text.

Repeat the above for as many text boxes as necessary.

Your pie chart is ready.

Method #2: Making Pie Chart using Chart Tools

This method uses chart tools to make the pie chart.

Step #1: Open Google Slides

Fire up your favorite browser.

Go to the Google home page.

In the top right corner, Sign in to your Google accounts using your credentials.

Click the nine dots to open Google apps.

Scroll to and click the Slides icon.

Google Slides will open.

Step #2: Open a Presentation

Open a new presentation or an existing one.

In this tutorial, we will open a new presentation.

Hover the mouse pointer over the + button in the bottom right corner.

The button will change to two new buttons.

Click the button, Create new presentation.

A new presentation slide will open.

Step #3: Insert the Pie Shape

Click the Insert tab in the top menu bar.

A drop-down menu will appear.

Hover the mouse pointer over the Chart icon.

Another menu will open on the right.

Click the Pie icon.

A pie chart will appear in the slide.

Adjust its size, position, and placement using the handles.

Step #4: Edit the Pie Chart

Click to select the pie chart.

Click the Link icon in the top right corner.

A menu will open.

Click the Open source icon.

A Google Sheet will open showing the pie chart and its supporting table.

Replace the table with your own data.

The pie chart will change automatically.

Click on individual elements to change them.

Step #5: Change the Colors

Right-click the color you want to change.

Hover the mouse pointer over the Format pie slice tab.

A color palette will open.

Click to select a suitable color.

The pie slice will change to the selected color.

Repeat the above to change the other colors.

Step #6: Change other Attributes

Click to select the chart.

Click the three dots in the top right corner.

A menu will open.

Click the Edit chart tab.

The Chart editor will open in the right pane.

Click the Customize tab.

You can now change other attributes like:

  • Chart style
  • Pie chart
  • Pie slice
  • Chart & axis titles
  • Legend

Make the necessary changes.

Close the Chart editor by clicking the X in the top right corner.

Your pie chart will now look like:

Click the browser tab to return to Google Slides.

Click the Update tab in the top right corner.

All changes you made in the Google Sheet will now appear in the pie chart.


We have shown you two methods of making a pie chart in Google Slides. Use the one most suitable to your application. If you have any questions, let us know in the comments box below.

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