How to Make a Business Card Using Word

You can use any fancy design software for making business cards. However, if you are in a hurry and do not have access to other software, you can use Microsoft Word.

Word allows you to make business cards in two ways:

  • Starting from Scratch
  • Using Templates

We will show you how to make business cards in Microsoft Word.

Let us begin.

Method #1: Making a Business Card from Scratch

This method uses the basic tools available in Word to make your business card.

Step #1: Open Microsoft Word

Open a new blank document in Word.

Step #2: Change the Page Margins

Click the Layout tab in the top menu bar to change the ribbon.

In the section Page Setup, click the Margins icon.

A drop-down menu will appear.

Click the Narrow margin.

Step #3: Insert a Table

Click the Insert tab in the top menu bar to change the ribbon.

In the section Tables, click the Table icon.

The Insert Table dialog box will open.

Select an array of 5×2.

A table with two columns and five rows will appear in the document.

Step #4: Open Table Properties

Click the table.

Right-click the selection cross-hair in the top right corner of the table.

A menu will open.

Click the Table Properties… icon.

A dialog box for Table properties will open.

Step #5: Center the Table

Under Alignment, click on the Center icon.

This will place the table in the center of the document.

Step #6: Change Row Height

Click the Row tab at the top.

Under the heading Size,

  1. Click the box on the left of Specify height:.
  2. Type 2” inside the box on the right of Specify height:.
  3. Click the triangle beside the box on the right of Row height is:, and click Exactly.

Step #7: Change Column Width

Click the Column tab at the top.

Under the heading Size,

  1. Click the box on the left of Preferred Width:.
  2. Type 3.5 inside the box on the right of Preferred Width:.
  3. Click the triangle beside the box on the right of Measure in:, and click inches.

Click the OK tab at the bottom.

The array on the page will change to size 3.5” x 2”.

Note: The standard size of business cards in US, Canada, and India is 3.5” x 2”. For UK, the standard size is 3.3” x 2.2”. You may choose any other size according to your requirement.

Step #8: Fill in Details

Type your details inside the first cell.

Select the text you have just typed.

Press CTRL+C on your keyboard to copy the text to the clipboard.

Click inside the next cell.

Press CTRL+V on your keyboard to paste the text from the clipboard.

Repeat for all the cells.

Step #9: Format the Cells

Select the text in all the cells.

Use Word features to center the text horizontally and vertically.

Change the font, color, size, and position of the text as necessary.

Remove all borders from the cells.

Now, your business cards are ready for printing.

Method #2: Make Business Cards using Templates

This method uses templates in Word to make business cards.

Step #1: Open Microsoft Word

Open Word.

In the left pane, click the New tab.

In the search bar, type business card.

Click the search icon.

Word will open a number of business card templates.

Step #2: Open the Template

Click the one you find most appropriate for your requirements.

A dialog box will open.

Click on the Create icon.

Word will open a page with the cards in an array.

Step #3: Change the Information

Replace the information in the first card with appropriate data.

Change the font, color, size, and position as necessary.

The rest of the cards will change automatically.

Now, your business cards are ready for printing.


We have shown you two methods of making a business card using Microsoft Word. Use the one most suitable for your purpose. If you have any questions, please enter them in the comments section below.

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