Microsoft Word is not limited to text-based documents alone. It is also possible to set up a grid in Word. You may want a grid paper for a complex mathematical chart. Grid papers are also great for bulleted journals for personal planning. The best thing is, you do not need complicated training for creating grids.
5 ways of making grids in Word using simple, easy stepwise instructions:
- Using Grid Lines
- Using Fill Effects
- Using Lines
- Using Rectangles
- Using Tables
Let us begin.
Method #1: Grid using Grid Lines
This method uses the grid line feature of Word.
Step #1: Open a Word Document
Open a Word document.
Navigate to the page where you want the grid.
Step #2: Modify the Layout
Click on the Layout tab in the top menu bar to change the ribbon.

In the section Arrange, click on the Align tab.

In the drop-down menu that opens, click on View Gridlines.

Your Word page will show a grid.

Step #3: Change the Grid Size
Click on the Layout tab in the top menu bar to change the ribbon.

In the section Arrange, click on the Align tab.

In the drop-down menu that opens, click on Grid Settings….

Under Show grid in the dialog box that opens, click and select Display gridlines on screen.
Click and select Vertical every:, and enter a suitable number.
For Horizontal every:, enter a suitable number.
Click on the OK tab to close the dialog box.

Your Word page will show a grid with the above changes.
Method #2: Grid using Fill Effects
This method uses the page fill effects feature of Word.
Step #1: Open a Word Document
Open a Word document.
Navigate to the page where you want the grid.
Step #2: Modify the Page Design
Click on the Design tab in the top menu bar to change the ribbon.
Step #3: Change the Background Color of the Page
In the section Page Background, click on the Page Color icon.

In the drop-down menu that opens, click on Fill Effects….

This opens the Fill Effects dialog box.
- Click on the Pattern tab.
- Select a suitable grid.
- Change the Foreground: and Background: colors suitably.
- Click on the OK tab to close the dialog box.

Your Word page will show the grid you have chosen.

Note: you cannot change the grid size to your choice.
Method #3: Grid using Lines
This method uses simple shapes (lines) to create the grid.
Step #1: Open a Word Document
Open a Word document.
Navigate to the page where you want the grid.
Step #2: Open a Drawing Canvas
Click on the Insert tab in the top menu bar to change the ribbon.

In the section Illustrations, click on the Shapes icon.

In the drop-down menu that opens, click on the New Drawing Canvas icon at the bottom.

A drawing canvas box will appear on the page.
Drag the handles of the box to match the page width.

Step #3: Insert a Line
Click on the Insert tab in the top menu bar to change the ribbon.

In the section Illustrations, click on the Shapes icon.

In the drop-down menu that opens, click on the Line icon under Lines.

- The cursor will change to a cross.
- Position the cross where you want to start the line in the drawing canvas.
- Press the Shift button on your keyboard.
- Press the left mouse button and drag the cross to draw a horizontal line.
- Release the Shift button and the mouse button.

Step #4: Make Copies of the Line
- Select the line.
- Press CTRL+D on your keyboard.
- This will create a copy of the line.
- Repeat CTRL+D to make more copies.

Step #5: Align the Lines
Click on the Home tab in the top menu bar to change the ribbon.

In the section Editing, click on the Select icon.

In the drop-down menu that opens, click on the Select Objects icon.

Click and drag the mouse to select all the lines.

Click on the Layout tab in the top menu bar to change the ribbon.

In the section Arrange, click on the Align tab.

In the drop-down menu that opens, click on Align Left.

All the lines will align to the left of the page.

Step #6: Group the Lines
In the section Arrange, click on the Group icon.

In the drop-down menu, click on the Group icon.

This groups the lines.

Step #7: Copy the Group
Press CTRL+D to make a copy of the group of lines.

Step #8: Make the Grid
In the section Arrange, click on the Rotate icon.

In the drop-down menu, click on the Rotate Right 90° icon.

This rotates the new group of lines.

Step #9: Align the Lines
Select one group.
Move it on top of the other group.
Use the handles to resize the groups to fit each other.

Step #10: Remove the Drawing Canvas
- Select the grid.
- Press CTRL+C to copy the grid to clipboard.
- Delete the grid.
- Delete the drawing canvas.
- Press CTRL+V to paste the grid on the page.

Method #4: Grid Using Rectangles
This method uses simple shapes (rectangles) to create the grid.
Step #1: Open a Word Document
Open a Word document.
Navigate to the page where you want the grid.
Step #2: Open a Drawing Canvas
Click on the Insert tab in the top menu bar to change the ribbon.

In the section Illustrations, click on the Shapes icon.

In the drop-down menu that opens, click on the New Drawing Canvas icon at the bottom.

A drawing canvas box will appear on the page.
Drag the handles of the box to match the page width.

Step #3: Insert a Rectangle
Click on the Insert tab in the top menu bar to change the ribbon.

In the section Illustrations, click on the Shapes icon.

In the drop-down menu that opens, click on the Rectangle icon under Rectangles.

The cursor will change to a cross.
Position the cross where you want to start the rectangle inside the drawing canvas.
Drag the mouse diagonally to form a square.

The ribbon will change to Shape Format.

In section Shape Styles, click on the Shape Fill icon.

In the drop-down menu, click on the No Fill icon.

The rectangle will now be devoid of any fill color.

Position the cursor on the border of the square.
Press CTRL+D on your keyboard.
A copy of the square will appear.
Drag the copy below the original square.

Step #4: Make Copies
Repeat for as many rows as you want.

Step #5: Align the Rectangles
Click on the Home tab in the top menu bar to change the ribbon.

In the section Editing, click on the Select icon.

In the drop-down menu that opens, click on Select Objects.

Click and drag the mouse to select all the rectangles.

Click on the Layout tab in the top menu bar to change the ribbon.

In the section Arrange, click on the Align tab.

In the drop-down menu that opens, click on Align Left.

All the rectangles will align to the left of the page.

Step #6: Group the Rectangles into a Grid
In the section Arrange, click on the Group icon.

In the drop-down menu, click on the Group icon.

This groups the rectangles.
Step #7: Copy the Group
- Press CTRL+D to make a copy of the group of rectangles.
- Drag the copy to align on the right of the original rectangles.
- Repeat until you have the desired number of columns.

Step #8: Remove the Drawing Canvas
- Select the grid.
- Press CTRL+C to copy the grid to the clipboard.
- Delete the grid.
- Delete the drawing canvas.
- Press CTRL+V to paste the grid in the page.

Method #5: Grid using Tables
This method uses tables to create the grid.
Step #1: Open a Word Document
Open a Word document.
Navigate to the page where you want the grid.
Step #2: Insert a Table
Click on the Insert tab in the top menu bar to change the ribbon.

In the section Tables, click on the Table icon.

The Insert Table dialog box will open.
Select the number of rows and columns according to the grid you want.

A table will appear on the page.
Click on the icon on the top left to select the entire table.

Step #3: Adjust the Grid
Click on the Layout tab in the top menu bar to change the ribbon.

In the section Cell Size, enter the same figures for Height: and Width:.

A grid appears on the page.

We have shown you five methods of making grids in Word. Use the method that best suits your requirement.