How to Create an Organizational Chart in Google Slides

As the name suggests, an organizational chart depicts the hierarchical structure of an organization. The chart typically starts at the topmost level and percolates down to the lower levels, with branches depicting parallel positions. Reversibly, an organizational chart graphically depicts the reporting structure from lower levels to upper levels, going up to the topmost level.

It is possible to use Google Slides to create organizational charts. T

2 ways to create an Organizational Chart in Google Slides

  • Use a Template
  • Use Predefined Shapes and Lines

We will show you both methods in simple, step-wise instructions.

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How to insert PDF in a Google Slides Presentation

4 ways to insert a PDF in Google Slides

There are numerous ways to insert a PDF document into a Google Slide. Some of them are:

  • Place the PDF document on an online web page or in Google Docs, and insert a link to it in the slide.
  • Convert the PDF document into an image file, and insert the image file in the slide.
  • Capture the PDF document as a screenshot, and insert the screenshot in the slide.
  • Convert the PDF document into a PPT file, and insert the PPT file in the slide.

We will show you in simple steps how you can insert a PDF document into a Google Slide, using the methods above. Let us begin.

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How to Create a Word Cloud in Google Slides

A word cloud allows you to visualize a grouping of frequently used words within a body of text. You can then detect the major themes within the text. Google Slides does not have a built-in option for creating word clouds. This tutorial shows you how to create a word cloud in Google Slides using an online word cloud generator.

2 Steps to creating a word cloud in Google Slides

  • Generate a word cloud online
  • Insert the word cloud image into a Google Slide

Let us begin.

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How to Save Google Slides as PDF

This tutorial shows you how to save Google Slides as a PDF document.

3 Methods of saving Google Slides as a PDF

  • Download option on the File tab
  • Email option on the File tab
  • Print settings and preview option on the File tab

Note: All the methods will remove all transitions, animations, and comments. They will also replace videos with images or frames hyperlinked to the video files.

Let us begin.

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How to Insert a Timer in Google Slides

You can insert a timer in a Google Slide to count time down or up. For example, this shows your audience know how much time they have left to answer a quiz. 

Google Slides does not provide a built-in function to insert a timer. This tutorial shows you how to insert a timer in Google Slides.

3 Methods to insert a timer in Google Slides:

  • Add a video of a timer from YouTube
  • Add a video of a timer from Google Drive
  • Use the Slide Timer extension

Let us begin.

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How to Add More Fonts to Google Slides

Google Slides has a default set of fonts. Sometimes you want to try other fonts that are not available in the default set of fonts. This tutorial shows you how to add more fonts to Google Slides.

2 Methods to add more fonts to Google Slides:

  • Use the Google Slides More Fonts option 
  • Use a Google Slides add-on

Let us begin.

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How to Hyperlink to Another Slide in Google Slides

Hyperlinked slides make your Google Slides presentation more interactive. This tutorial shows you how to hyperlink to another slide in Google Slides. It also explains how to copy, edit, and delete a link.

3 Methods to add a hyperlink to another slide in Google Slides

  • Add a hyperlink to text
  • Add hyperlink to an image
  • Add hyperlink to an external website 

We will also explain step by step how to

  • Test the hyperlink
  • Copy / Edit / Delete an existing hyperlink.

Let us begin.

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How to Delete a Text Box in a Google Slide

Sometimes you may want to delete a text box in your Google Slides presentation. This tutorial shows you how to delete a text box in Google Slides.

3 Steps to delete a Text Box in a Google Slides Presentation:

  • Open your Google Slides presentation 
  • Select the text box you want to delete
  • Delete the text box

Let’s begin.

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How to Add Custom Fonts to a Google Slide

If you want to add custom fonts to Google Slides, you will have to use this workaround. Google Slides does not allow the manual addition, uploading, or embedding of custom fonts.

Custom fonts are usually purchased or designed by the user. This tutorial shows a method you can use as a workaround to add custom fonts to Google Slides. Especially for the heading text.

2 Steps to adding custom fonts to Google Slides:

  • Generate a text image using a third-party font site
  • Insert the text image in Google Slide

Let us begin.

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