How to duplicate a word document

Many a time there is a need to work on a document, while not wanting to disturb the original content.

For instance, one may want to try writing some sentences differently just to see whether they make better sense, else revert to the original.

Or, there may be a need to try to arrange some photos in the document in a different sequence from the original, compare the results, and keep the version that looks better. Of course, there may be countless other reasons for wanting to duplicate a document.

There are two ways to duplicate a Word document.

One of them is to treat the Word document as any other file and make a copy of it using Windows’ File Explorer. The other way is to use Word itself to make a copy.

2 Methods to Duplicate a Word Document

  • Using File Explorer to make a copy of the Word document
  • Using Word to make a copy of the Word document

Let’s start.

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How to create and print labels in MS Word

In general, a label is a sticker with something written on it. People place such stickers with printed information such as addresses on envelopes.

Your label may have one of two addresses—the recipient’s address or the sender’s address. Microsoft Word allows you to create and print such labels.

Here, we will explain the steps necessary for creating and printing labels in Word.

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How to Print in Reverse Order in Word

The printing order typically starts from page 1 and proceeds up to the last page. Printed papers that emerge from the printer come out with the last page on top and the first page at the bottom of the pile. If your document had only about 5-10 pages, sorting them manually—to bring page one on the top—is no major task.

Now, instead of a few pages, what if your document was actually a book with a few hundred pages?

After you have printed all the pages, sorting them to bring page 1 on the top could soon become a tedious exercise.

Well, the solution is very simple—why not start the printing process beginning with the last page and finish with page one?

The process is termed printing in reverse order, and the printer you are using may allow doing so because of a built-in functionality.

However, all printers may not possess that facility, so you can set up Microsoft Word to do that for you.

We will guide you through the process of printing your Word document in reverse order following a few simple steps. In fact, you can do that in two ways.

  • Set Word to print in reverse order by default.
  • Reverse print the document using custom print options.

Lets start.

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How to Print Word Documents with Background Colors or Images

In your daily work-life, you may come across documents with a background color or image. Microsoft Word also allows changing the background of your document to a solid color of your choice.

In its Design menu, Word even allows you to choose from several fill effects like gradients, textures, patterns, and pictures, with innumerable varieties

However, that is only half the story.

Once you have gone through the choices, selected a pattern that you like, and embedded it as the background of your document, you face the next hurdle.

Although your document now looks beautiful, you cannot get Word to print the background along with the contents.

In this tutorial, we will share simple steps you can take to ensure that you can easily print your document with the background.

Lets start

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How to Print Only Comments in Word

When several people are collaborating on a Microsoft Word document, they can insert comments and revision features making the process of editing much easier.

It enables the team to view changes to the document while reading the comments and critiques.

While you may print the content of the document along with the comments, it is also possible to print the comments alone.

Printing only the comments has its own advantages. Once the editing process is over, it is customary to remove the comments to allow the document to look more presentable.

Before removing the comments, you may want to preserve a hard copy of the comments and suggestions for later review with your collaborators.

Word allows printing the entire document along with the comments or printing only the comments. While printing the comments alone,

Word also allows displaying selective comments for printing.

Simply follow the steps below.

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How to print Black and White on MS Word

You may have a Word document with many colored diagrams and texts, but want it printed in black and white for several reasons—maybe it is only a test print, or you want to see how the margins will look when printed, and so on.

If you have a black and white printer, then there is no issue. Simply print the document and it will print in black and white. However, if your device is a color printer, then printing in black and white requires setting some controls.

In this tutorial, I will share step by step instruction to print a black and white word document using a color printer.

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How to Print Gridlines in Word

Gridlines are straight lines, which may be horizontal, vertical or a combination of both. Word uses gridlines for specific purposes, such as for: 

  1. Defining borders of cells in tables
  2. Defining major and minor axes in charts
  3. Aligning pictures and text

Using grids to define the borders of cells in tables makes the document more readable. Using grids in Word you can easily locate and enter data within individual cells in business documents.

Charts are easier to read and interpret if they show the major and minor axes as grids together with boundary lines. Grids help to position elements such as images and text on a page.

Microsoft Word supports printable gridlines.

Although gridlines look good on the document and serve a useful purpose, printing them may be an issue—Word does not always print gridlines—unless you specifically set it up for printing them.

How to print gridlines in Microsoft Word

Here, we will guide you so that you can print gridlines easily under different circumstances.

  • Printing Gridlines in Table
  • Printing the Axes in the chart
  • Printing Gridlines in text and for Image Alignment.

Lets get started.

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How to Print a Word Document Without Comments

If you have collaborated with other authors on creating a word document, chances are that you would have used its comments feature.

The comment feature lets you share feedback on specific parts of the document, it makes collaborating easy and straightforward.

Word, by default, also prints out the comments along with the document content.

But what if you don’t want to print the comments with the word doc?

Well, in this post I will be sharing two techniques that can be used to print a word document without the comments.

2 ways to print a word document without comments

  • Hide the comments from the document
  • Unselect the comments from printing using printer settings

Important Note:

The techniques shared here will not remove the comments. They will simply hide the comments from the print output.

Lets start with the tutorial.

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How to Print Double-Sided (Duplex Printing) in Word

Double-sided printing or duplex printing is printing on both sides of the paper, like printing in books. Double-sided printing helps the environment by cutting the number of pages required for printing in half—thereby cutting down overall paper usage substantially. Sometimes, specific documents also require duplex printing, such as when printing a book or journal.

Printing basically depends on the type and functionality of the printer attached to the computer.

While some printers offer automated double-sided printing, many do not.

With Microsoft Word, it is possible to print double-sided on all types of printers, allowing three methods of duplex printing—one each for printers that can print double-sided and flip papers automatically, for printers that can print double-sided but require manual paper flipping, and for regular manual printers. These are three methods:

  • Automatic Double Sided Printing – For printers supporting double-sided printing
  • Printing using Manual Flip – For printers which require a manual flip
  • Manual Double-sided printingFor standard printers

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