How to Add Page Numbers in Word

Using page numbers in long documents helps in many ways. Word offers an easy method of inserting page numbers where you want them in your document. There are two ways of doing this—the simple way and the complicated.

The simple way of inserting a page number is beginning with a “1” on page 1 of the document. A more complicated way would be to introduce the numbering from a page other than the first page.

IN this tutorial I will be covering following topics:

  • Adding a Page number in Word
  • Removing Page numbers in word
  • Formatting Page Numbers
  • Adding Page number in Sections
  • Adding Page number on Odd and Even pages

Lets start.

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How to insert a vertical line in MS Word

Whether you want to separate your text into two columns or create a border around your text, learning how to insert a vertical line in Word is useful. 

A few days back, we shared how to insert a horizontal line. In this post, we will share simple techniques to insert a vertical line.

Learning this function is especially beneficial for creating newsletters or pages of a newspaper, as you would have to separate the text into different columns.

5 ways to insert a vertical line in Word

  • Using shapes 
  • Adding a paragraph border
  • Adding a page border
  • Adding a bar tab
  • Adding columns

Let’s get started.

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How to print a Google Doc with comments

Google Docs offers an easy way to create and share a document with others, while having them view, comment, or edit it depending on the permissions you give them. This enables collaboration and removes the possibility of misunderstandings.

Sometimes, people would like to print the shared document along with the comments in it. However, that is when they realize that although Google Docs allows printing the document, it leaves out the comments on the canvas.

Here, we give you some methods to print the document along with all comments.

5 ways to print a Google Doc with Comments.

  • Capture Page as Screenshot and Print
  • Save as WebPage and Print
  • Save as OpenDocument and Print
  • Save as Microsoft Word and Print
  • Use Print Google Doc with Comments Chrome Extension

Lets Start

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How to delete a page in MS Word

You may have run into the problem of having an unwanted page in your Word document. Many users don’t know how to get rid of this unnecessary page. Other Microsoft applications like PowerPoint allow you to delete a page with a single click, but Word does not.

However, there are other ways of deleting a page in Word. In this article, we will be talking about three methods.

Let’s get started.

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How to insert a line in Word Document

Microsoft Word offers a variety of features that allow you to do everything from creating a schedule of your day to writing down lecture notes for a class. It offers so many features that a lot of beginners are intimidated by it.

In this article, you will learn about one specific function in Word: inserting a line.

This post will focus on inserting a horizontal line. If you want to learn how to insert a vertical line, check out this post.

This function will be useful to you in several situations. For example, if you want to divide a document into sections, you can do so by inserting lines between the sections.

One way in which you can do this is by typing out individual characters, like an underscore (shift + -). However, this is time-consuming and ineffective.

There are three other ways in which you can do this and in this article, we will show you how.

How to Insert a Line in MS Word

  • Using Shapes
  • Using Keyboard Shortcuts and Autoformat
  • Using Horizontal Line Tool

Lets Start.

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How to add a hyperlink in Google docs

Google docs make it super easy to add a hyperlink to web pages from within the document.

Hyperlinking will make a piece of text clickable. Clicking on the link will take the user to the linked web page. This feature can be very handy if you reference a lot of online sources.

In this post, we will share step by step instructions to insert hyperlinks in a google doc.

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How to double space in MS Word

MS Word has great options for formatting text. In this tutorial, I will share step by step instructions to add double space in a word document.

Double spacing means that your text contains a full blank line between two rows. Double spacing is mainly useful for improving text readability.

Double spacing also makes it easy to add feedback in a printed document. Since there is a blank line between each row, you can use the empty space for writing feedback.

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How to add Header in Google Docs

In this tutorial, I will be sharing step by step instructions for adding a header in a google document.

What is a header?

The header is a section at the top of the document, which contains essential information like date, name of the author, filename, etc. The text entered in the header will appear on every page of the Google Docs. 

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How to Insert Text Box in Google Docs

Google Docs is one of the most useful tools that can enhance your productivity; this tool can be used as a complete package for any online work such as writing an article, reading something, editing a content piece, or anything else. 

But not most people are aware that it has a drawing tool too. With the help of which you would be able to design and insert various text boxes & shapes into your document files. 

In this post, we will look at the steps with the help of which we can insert text boxes in Google Docs. But before heading forward with the steps, let us fetch some essential knowledge about the drawing tool. 

All About Google Docs Drawing Tool: 

Whenever you want to add some shapes or other such additional boxes in your document, then at that time, you would have to deal with Google Docs Drawing tool. With this tool, you would be able to take advantage of various shapes, such as: 

  • Customized shapes 
  • Various line styles 
  • Arrows 
  • Callouts 
  • Diagrams 

Such tools can be used for adding a graphical touch to your documents, highlighting important information, and many more such things. 

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How to highlight text in google docs

Highlighting a piece of text means marking it in different color. This ensures that the selected piece(s) of text stand out from the rest of the document.

All tools for word processing include this important feature of text highlighting. In this article, we are here to guide you step by step on how to highlight a text on Google docs.

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